endocrine Flashcards
Pathophysiology Diabetes mellitus
Glasper et al. 2021
- metabolic group disorder
- hyperglycaemia
- lack or non responsive insulin
- can cause comatose state or diabetes ketoacidosis
Symptoms diabetes ketoacidosis
Glasper et al. 2021
- relative to absolute deficiency of insulin
- 80% new diabetics
- loss consciousness
- hyperglycaemia
- polyuria
- polydispia - increased thirst
- abdo pain
- weight loss
- nausea and vomiting
- general weakness
- acetone - pear drop smell
Priorities of diabetic ketoacidosis
- doc dehydration status eg. shrunken eyes, urine
- Urine sample glucose (less than 11mmol/l) and ketone (less than 3mmol/l) - metabolic acidosis - NICE 2022
- O2 and position as required
- IV bolus fluids - 500ml - 10ml/kg maintain 0.9% saline until glucose under 14 - if not effective after one give another (normal people need 500-100ml)
- Electrolyte balance - main potassium - cause K to drop
- fixed rate insulin IV infusion - 0.1unit/kg/hr - target B - 4-7 A - 5-9
Symptoms hypothyroidism
- cold intolerant
- myexdema coma
- facial and eyelid oedema
- extreme fatigue
- extreme fatigue
- anorexia
- hair loss
- dry skin
- constipation
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
- Heat intolerant
- finger clubbing
- bulging eyes
- face flushing
- tachycardia
- weight loss
- muscle wasting
- diarrhoea
What thyroxine do?
Control how body use energy
What is myexdema coma and symptoms?
Untreated hypothyroidism
- decrease metabolism as heart flabby
- decreased CO and perfused brain and organs
-non pitting oedema
- thick tongue
- larynx thick so husky voice
- hypoglycaemia
- coma
- resp failure
- hypotension
- hypothermia
Priorities of myxemema coma?
- ensure airway - O2 - thick tongue and larynx
- fluid balance therapy - maintain 10ml/kg 0.9% saline
- give levothyroxine IV and glucose IV - hypoglycaemia and replace missing thyroid hormone thyroxine for energy and growth
- Give crorticosteroids - associated with adrenal insufficiency via IV
- Monitor inc GCS
- keep warm - symptom hypothermia
State two adrenal syndromes?
Symptoms of cushing syndrome
- bruises
- personality changes
- hyperglycaemia
- infection
- moon face
- thin extremities
Symptoms of Addison’s
- bronze pigment
- GI disturbances
- Weight loss
- hypoglycaemia
What hormone tests do for adrenal syndromes?
- adrencortical test
- ACTH test
- ACTH stimulation test
- Blood glucose test
Priorities f adrenal syndromes
- reverse shock and restore blood circulation eg. fluid balance
- antibiotics as required
- supplement glucocorticoids - hydrocortisone bolus then maintained
- electrolyte balance - potassium and sodium
- environment - limit activity and non-stress
Symptoms of hyperglycaemia
- thirst
- polyuria
- dry skin
- hunger
- blurred vision
- drowsy
- decreased healing rate
Priorities hyperglycaemia
- adapt diet
- exercise
- medication - real and regulated insulin
NICE 2015
priorities hypoglycaemia
- blood glucose check - 10-15g carbohydrate - B - 3-7 A-4-8 - NICE 2015
- BG check every 15-20min
- if glucose in range have protein meal and snack
- if blood over 7 snack if under treat
NICE 2015
Guideline of target sugars
NICE 2015 - Diabetes in children and young people
NICE 2015 - type 1 diabetes in adults
Before - 4-7mmols
After - 5-9mmols
Guideline Addisons Disease
NICE 2020
Reference pathophysiology children
Glasper et al. 2021
Reference Pathophysiology adults
Peate et al. 2021
Pathophysiology hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state
Life threat complication diabetes - type 2 diabetes
- hyperglycaemia - glucose too high for long period
- cause severe dehydration and confusion
Symptoms hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state
- severe dehydration
- commonly type 2 diabetes symptom
- confusion
- high blood glucose
- loss consciousness
- dry mouth - due to thirst
- frequent urination
- blurred or loss of vision
Priorities of hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state
- rehydrate - bolus 0.9% 500ml (NICE 2022) - maintenance - 20-35 water and electrolytes
- correct and monitor hyperglycaemia - insulin IV - 0.1unit/kg/hr
- correct electrolytes
- treat underlying disease eg. antibiotics
- monitor and support - GCS (Teasdale and Jennette, 1974) NEWS2 - NHSE 2017