Endocrine Flashcards
What hormones does the thyroid gland produce
3 hormones → T3, T4, calcitonin
What does calcitonin do
↓ serum calcium (ca+) by taking calcium OUT of the blood and pushing it back into the BONE
What do you need to make hormones
Iodine (dietary iodine)
What do the thyroid hormones do
Give US energy!
What is hyperthyroidism
Too much energy (graves disease)
* too much thyroid hormone
S&S of hyperthyroidism
- Nervous and irritable
- ↓ attention span
- ↑ appetite
- ↓ weight
- sweaty /hot
- exopthalamos (bulging eyes)
- fast GI
*↑BP and ↑ pulse - arrhythmia/palpitations
- thyroid size enlarges
How is hyperthyroidism diagnosed
*↑ T4 level
* ↓ TSH
* thyroid scan
** client must D/C any iodine containing meds 1 WEEK PRIOR to thyroid scan
* ultrasound/MRI/CT
How is hyperthyroidism treated
- Anti-thyroids: Methimazole (Tapazole), propylthiouracil (PTU)
- Iodine compounds: Potassium Iodine (SSKI & Lugols solution)
- Beta blockers - supportive therapy: Propanolol (Inderal)
- Radioactive iodine therapy (1 dose)
- Surgery
What anti-arrhythmic drugcontains high levelsof iodine and may affect thyroid function
Amiodlarone (Cordarone)
Anti-thyroid meds: Methimazole (Tapazole), Propylthiouracil (PTU)
- Stops the thyroid from making thyroid hormones
** used pre-op to STUN the thyroid (helps ↓ bleeding) - want client to become euthyroid (eu= normal)
What do iodine compounds like potassium iodine (SSKI & Lugals solution) do
• ↓ the size and vascularity of the gland
** all endocrine glands are VERY VASCULAR
** give in milk or juice and use a straw (stain teeth)
How do beta blockers (Propanolol (Inderal)) help hyperthyroidism
• ↓ myocardial contractility
• ↓ cardiac output possible
• ↓HR & BP
• ↓ anxiety
• ↓ cardiac output possible
Who should NEVER be given a beta blocker
Asthmatics or diabetics
Radioactive iodine therapy (1 dose):
• Given PO (liquid or tablet form)
** rule out pregnancy 1st
• destroys thyroid cells → may cause hypothyroidism
• follow radioactive precautions
** stay away from BABIES for 1 WEEK
**don’t KISS anyone for 1 WEEK
** watch for THYROID STORM (thyrotoxicosis & thyrotoxic crisis)
* possible rebound effect of post-radioactive iodine
What is a thyroid storm (thyrotoxicosis and thyrotoxic crisis)
Hyperthyroidism x100
Surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism →thyroïdectomy (partial/complete)
• assess for recurrent laryngeal nerve damage by listening for HOARSENESS
•Could lead to vocal cord PARALYSIS
** when there’s paralysis of BOTH vocal cords airway OBSTRUCTION WILL OCCUR which req. IMMEDIATE TRACH → trach set at bedside
• put personal items near client
• teach client how to support their neck
* raise HOB to ↓ edema
* nutrition (pre & post-op): ↑ calorie needs
Thyroidectomy(partial/complete) post op priority
*** report feelings of PRESSURE
Trash set at bedside:
- Swelling
- recurrent laryngeal nerve damage (vocal cord paralysis)
** hypocalcemia → assess for parathyroid removal
**s&s → NOT sedated
Too little thyroid hormone/energy
S&S of hypothyroidism
- No energy
- fatigue
- no expression
- speech slurred
- ↑ weight
- slow GI
- cold
- amenorrhea
• you may have a totally immobile client
How is hypothyroidism diagnosed
↓ thyroxine (T4)
• opposite labs of thyroid
• blood test for TSH is most commonly used
How is hypothyroidism treated
- Levothyroxine (Synthroid), Liothyronine (Cytomel)
- take on an EMPTY STOMACH
- people with hypothyroid tend to have coronary artery disease (CAD)
***** WORRY about MI (heart attack)
** must take meds for FOREVER/rest of their lives
*↑ energy when starting meds
What is Hashimoto’s disease
*When the immune system attacks the thyroid
( diff than hypo. Bc hypo is underactive/inadequate production)
* inflammation of the thyroid caused a leak which a hormones (hyperthyroid) → over time inflammation stops from thyroid producing enough hormones (hypo.)
* disease usually results in ↓ hormones production (hypo.)
Parathyroids secrete what….
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
What does (PTH) parathyroid hormone do?
Makes you PULL calcium from the BONE and place it into the BLOOD
** this ↑ serum calcium levels
Too much PTH=
Not enough PTH=
Too much =↑ serum calcium levels
Too little = ↓ serum calcium levels
PTH and Ca+ have a direct relationship
↑PTH = ↑ Ca
Parathyroid problems
- Hyperparathyroidism = hypercalcemia=hypophosphatemia
- Hypoparathyroidism = hypocalcemia = hyperphosphatemia
S&S of hyperparathyroidism (hypercalcemia=hypophosphatemia)
Too much PTH
• serum calcium is ↑, serum phosphorus is ↓
** calcium and phosphorus have an INVERSE RELATIONSHIP
** client will appear SEDATED (hypercalcemia)
How is hyperparathyroidism treated?
- Partial parathyroïdectomy → when 2 parathyroids are taken out
** ↓PTH secretion
S&S of hypoparathyroidism =hypocalcemia = hyperphosphatemia
- Not enough PTH
↓ serum calcium & ↑serum phosphorus
How is hypoparathyroidism treated
*IV calcium
* phosphorus binding drugs
What are the adrenal glands for
Need them to be able to handle stress
2 parts of the adrenal glands
Adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex
What hormones does the adrenal medulla produce
Epi & Nor-epi
Adrenal medulla problem:
Pheochromocytoma→ benign tumors thatsecrete epi and nor epi(hormones) in bonuses
*** tend to be familial → screen the family
Pheochromocytoma S&S
*↑ BP
* ↑HR
* palpitations
* flushing/ extremely diaphoretic
How is pheochromocytoma diagnosed
•Catecholamine levels: VMA (vanillymandelic acid test) or metanephrine (MN) test
MN test is the most commonly used and is ALTERED BY CAFFEINE
** foods that alter the VMA test → anything with vanilla in it, Vit. B, fruit juices & bananas
• a 24 hr urine specimen is done to screen for ↑levels of epi & nor-epi (AKA catecholamines)
*THROW away 1st void
**KEEP the LAST void
• any activities that ↑ epi & nor-epi should be avoided (no stress)
Pheochromocytoma treatment
Surgery to remove tumors
What should you AVOID doing in a client with pheochromocytoma
Palpating the abdomen → causes a sudden release of catecholamines & severe HTN
What hormones does the adrenal cortex produce
Glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and sex hormones
Adrenal cortex
Even though the body secrets steroids normally the adverse effects are more pronounced when the client is receiving oral or IV steroids
- Change your mood → depressed, psychotic, euphoric, insomnia
- alters defense mechanisms →immunosurpressed →high infection risk
** helps regulate glucose metabolism
Mineralcorticoids (aldosterone)
- Makes you RETAIN sodium (Na+) & water
- makes you LOSE potassium (K+)
Sex hormones
testosterone, estrogen and progesterone
Hirsutism, acne, irregular periods are caused by….
Too many sex hormones