Endocarditis Flashcards
Diagnosis of emdocarditis
Positive blood cultures and vegetations on endocardiogram
Which group can have endocarditis on normal heart valve?
Injection drug users OR in severe and persistent bacteremia, in highly pathogenic organism infection (staph aureus), in dental procedures with blood (small risk).
in general the risk is proportional to the degree of valve damage
Which type of valve is at highest risk for endocarditis
Prosthetic valves or cyanotic heart disease
In a normal valve is there a risk of endocarditis after surgery of the mouth and upper respiratory tract?
Nope, there is a risk only if there is severe valvular disease
Best initial test for establishing dx of endocarditis
Blood cultures (95-99% sensitive) first, then if positive do transthoracic echo if transthoracic echo doesn’t show vegetations then do transesophageal echo
A man come to the ER with fever and a murmur. Blood cultures grow Strep bovis. Transthoracic echo shows vegetation. What is the next best step management?
Colonoscopy (because of strep bovis is associated with colonic patho and cancer)
How to diagnose culture negative endocarditis?
- oscillating vegetation on echo
- Three minor criteria
- fever
- major risk (injection drug use, prosthetic valve)
- embolic phenomena (roth spot, janeway, splimter hemorrhage…)
Empiric tx for endocarditis
Vancomycin and gentamicin
When culture results arrive switch based on sensitivity
Specific tx according to organisms:
Viridans strep
Ceftriaxone 4 weeks
Or penicillin or amicillin
Specific tx according to organisms: staph aureus (sensitive)
Oxacillin, nafcillin or cefazolin
Specific tx according to organisms: fungal
Amphotericin and valve replacement
Specific tx according to organisms: staph epidermidis or resistant staph
Vancomycin alone
Specific tx according to organisms: enterococci
Ampicillin and gentamicin
Specific tx according to organisms: resistant organisms (resistant enterococcus)
Add aminoglycoside and extend duration of tx
When do you do surgery in endocarditis?
CHF, ruptured valve or chordae tendineae Prosthetic valves Fungal endocarditis Abscess AV block Recurrent emboli when on antibiotics
Specific tx in prosthetic valve with staph:
Surgery and rifampin
Most common cause of culture negative endocarditis
Coxiella burnetti and bartonella
Specific tx according to organisms: HACEK
Heamophilus aphrophilus, h.parainfluenza, actinobacillus, cardiobacterium, eikenella, kingella
When is prophylaxis for endocarditis indicated?
If there is both:
Significant heart defect: prosthetic valve, previous endocarditis, unrepaired cyanotic heart disease or cardiac recipient with valvulopathy (careful, no need of prophyl in mitral valve prolapse)
And risk of bacteremia: dental work with blood, respiratory tract surgery producing a bacteremia
What is the prophylaxis
Amoxicillin prior to procedure
If penicillin allergic: clindamicin, azithromycin, clarithromycin
Sx of endocarditis
Fever, new or change in intensity murmur
Rarely: splinter hemorrhages, janeway lesions (flat and painless)
Oslers nodes (raised and painful), roth spots (retina)
Brain: mycotic aneurysm
Kidneys: hematuria and glomerulonephritis
EKG: rarely shows AV block (5-10%)
Conjunctival petichiae
Septic emboli to lungs (looks like pneumo)