Endo Flashcards
Its cross-section is triangular: A) Kerr-reamer B) Miller needle C) Donaldson D) Excalibur E) Gates-Glidden bur
It has only one cutting edge: A) Kerr-reamer B) Hedstrom file C) Barbed broach instrument D) Kerr-file E) Kerr-flex file
It has four cutting edges: A) Profile B) Hedström file C) Unifile D) Kerr-file E) Miller needle
It is usable for exploring the root canal: A) Miller needle B) Donaldson C) Apex locator D) Gottlieb probe E) Hedström file
It is usable both for reaming and filing A) Kerr-file B) Kerr-reamer C) Hedström file D) Barbed broach instrument E) Donaldson
Using the proper size the instrument enlarges the root canal walls uniformly: A) Donaldson B) Hedström file C) Miller needle D) Kerr-reamer E) Barbed broach instrument
It is not usable for circumferential root canal preparation: A) Kerr-reamer B) Kerr-file C) Hedström file D) Kerr-flex file E) Flexicut file
The number of the cutting edges of the Hedstrom file is/are:
A) One
B) Two
C) Three D) Four E) Five
The characteristic motion of the Excalibur instrument is: A) Aleatic motion
B) Rotation
C) Quarter turn in both clockwise and counter iclockwise direction
D) Up-and-down motion
E) Oscillating motion
This instrument is not suitable for measuring the working length: A.) Endometer B.) Dentometer C.) Sono-Explorer D.) Digident E.) Dynatrak
This material has soft tissue-dissolving effect when cleaning the root canal with it: A.) Peroxide of hydrogen B.) Neomagnol C.) Peroxide of hydrogen + Neomagnol D.) Sodium-hypochlorite E.) Alcohol
Ca(OH)2-containing material usable for the medication of the root canal is: A.) GM (Gangraena-Merz)-paste B.) PBSC-mix C.) Solvidont D.) N2 Universal E.) Chlumsky’s solution
- Ordinarily it has the same number of root canals as roots:
- Upper canine
- Lower second premolar 3. Lower canine
- Upper first premolar
Its root canal normally straight and wide:
- Upper canine
- Distobuccal root of the upper first molar
- Palatal root of the upper second molar
- Mesiobuccal root of the upper second molar
Its root canal ordinarily narrow and divided:
- Lower first incisor
- Mesial root of the lower first molar
- Lower first premolar
- Lower second incisor
Is suitable for reaming:
- Kerr reamer
- Kerr-flex file
- Hedstrom file
- Kerr file
Its working motion is circumferential:
- Kerr-flex file
- Hedström file
- Kerr-file
- Kerr reamer
The advantages of the orifice shaper:
- It is usable for removing carious lesion
- Enlarges the coronal part of the root
- They are rotary instruments
- Diminish the curvature of the root canal
What is characteristic of the chronic apical periodontitis? 1. Periodical sensitivity to percussion
- The periodontal space is widened on the radiograph
- An overt bone loss on the radiograph
- Decreased sensitivity to cold stimuli
A. Giromatic
B. Endo-Cursor
C. Both
D. Neither
END-239. It turns the instrument only by 90 degree
END-240. The instrument movement can also be vertical
END-241. Usable with hand instruments
END-242. Usable at high rpm (over 10 000)
239 - C
240 - B
241 - B
242 - D