Endo Flashcards
Girl with primary amenorrhea with No breasts (or just breast buds), No/scant hair, Elevated gonadotropins
Turner Syndrome (XO)
- short stature (could present as a younger child with isolated short stature, bone age=actual age, normal labs)
- webbed neck (cystic hygroma), pedal edema, wide spaced nipples, short 4th/5th metacarpals
- aortic coarctation, horseshoe kidney
- uterus present but streak ovaries
- Dx: HypERgonadotropic ovarian failure (high FSH). Negative progesterone challenge test (will not bleed 2 weeks later)
- Tx: Can treat with GH but NOT testosterone.
Girl with primary amenorrhea with breasts but No hair
Androgen insensitivity (aka testicular feminization) which is genetically XY. X-linked recessive.
- Blind-ending vagina. No uterus or ovaries. Testes are present in inguinal canal.
- Might see FH of “sterile maternal aunts” (actually males)
- Receptors are insensitive to androgens but Mullerian inhibitor hormone still works, resulting in regression of internal female structures without development of external male structures and later no adrenarche/pubarche (no hair, no menses). Estrogen still works so patients develop breasts.
Boy with gynecomastia, small testicles, tall stature, long arms/legs, mild intellectual disability
Klinefelter (47, XXY)
- 1-2:1000 Nondisjunction during egg/sperm meiosis
- Low testosterone, high LH and FSH
- Tx: Testosterone
- High risk of autoimmune d/o, diabetes, tumors, osteopenia
- “shy” “awkward” “below average in school”
- “low upper to lower segment ratio”
Teen girl with pubic hair but no breasts
Could be Low estrogen or androgen excess
Young girl with pubic hair but no breasts
Premature adrenarche (if bone age is normal, can likely observe)
Young boy with pubic hair, penile enlargement, +/- accelerated growth, with Small testes
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Exogenous steroids, or Virilizing tumor (the excess hormones are not coming from a central or gonadal cause). Technically this is not precocious puberty since testes are small.
Young boy with enlarged testes, pubic hair, penile enlargement, +/- accelerated growth
Precocious puberty. Elevated LH or bHCG and/or elevated gonadal androgens. Look for tumors
Young girl with breasts + vaginal bleeding or accelerated growth
Precocious puberty. If LH/FSH are elevated = central cause, usually idiopathic but sometimes pituitary tumor. Tx with Lupron (GnRH analogue will suppress LH/FSH).
If LH/FSH are not elevated but estrogen/progesterone are elevated = gonadal/TUMOR cause
Young boy with pubic hair without testicular enlargement
Premature adrenarche - very concerning for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia! Check 17-OH progesterone levels. (Adrenal tumor is less likely)
Young girl (usually a baby) with breast buds
Premature thelarche. Usually benign. Follow for other signs of precocious puberty.
Young girl with breast buds, being followed closely, develops early menses
Premature thelarche->Precocious puberty. Look for source of estrogen excess: exogenous, estrogen-secreting tumor, or central. Get endo consult.
When to get Bone Age Films
- Premature adrenarche
- Delayed puberty
13yo girl with no breast buds
Delayed puberty (no breast buds by 13yo). More concerning in girls. If bone age is w/in 1-2 y, can observe. If BA=CA, check FSH, LH, prolactin, and gonadal hormones. If FSH/LH are increased -> Turner syndrome. If FSH/LH are low -> consider eating disorder, exercise induced amenorrhea, or Kallman.
Amenorrheic 16yo who reached SMR4 breasts and hair at 13yo
Delayed puberty (no menses 2 yrs after SMR4 hair/breasts). More concerning in girls! Do primary amenorrhea work-up
Boy with SMR2-3 testicular and penile size with gynecomastia
Normal variant (50% of boys in SMR2/3 stages) Can be unilateral
Boy with small penis, delayed puberty, and anosmia
Kallman syndrome. Associated with other midline defects (SOD).
Child with decelerated growth, proportionate wt and ht, and delayed puberty. Delayed bone age mirrors height.
Constitutional growth delay (and delayed puberty). Benign and child will eventually reach full adult height.
Can consider tx with testosterone (but not GH).
(Young) Child with decelerated growth (crossing lines) and micropenis/small clitoris.
Growth hormone deficiency. Will see lack of GH release after administering insulin or arginine. Can have seizures due to hypoglycemia.
Child with decelerated growth of height with relative sparing of weight and markedly delayed bone age
Congenital growth hormone deficiency. Beware this answer choice - it is a common distractor.
Child with sharply decelerated growth and delayed bone age
Acquired growth hormone deficiency. Get brain MRI to look for pituitary tumor. Check other pituitary hormones
Anterior pituitary hormones
FLATPiG = FSH, LS, ACTH, TSH, Prolactin, and GH
Posterior pituitary hormones
Oxytocin and ADH/Vasopressin
Child with short stature, overweight, delayed bone age, dry skin, and constipation
Child with accelerated growth and early adrenarche/puberty and premature closure of growth plates
Late onset congenital adrenal hypErplasia. Hyperandrogenism
Will ultimately have short stature
Child with low weight percentile with relative sparing of height
Could be nutritional disorder. Eventually might see decreased weight AND height. If drop in weight was rapid, consider GI/renal/metabolic pathology
Obese tall child with striae and advanced bone age
High caloric intake (Cushing’s patients are NOT tall)