Differential diagnoses Flashcards
Sick neonate
Group B Strep (sepsis, meningitis, etc)
Other sepsis/infection - ex. Listeria or viral
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Heart failure (ductal dependent CHD)
Pearl: If band:neutrophil > 0.2, likely infectious
Weird thumbs
Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (triphalangeal thumbs)
Fanconi anemia (absent thumbs)
Holt-Oram syndrome (triphalangeal or absent)
SLOBs pee on the floor Silver Russell syndrome Laurence-Moon Biedl syndrome Opitz Syndrome Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Cleft lip/cleft palate
(Note: isolated cleft palate has highest risk of recurrence and being syndromic)
Child’s tea party: Child pretend to be the TEACHER (Treacher-collins)) and serves CROUTONS (Crouzon) and PEARS (Apert) to her 13 (Tri 13) stuffed ROBIN (Pierre-Robin) and Curious GEORGE (DiGeorge) on Pink plates (Cleft lip/palate)
SLOB (if you pee all over the floor, you are a slob) Silver Russell syndrome Laurence-Moon-Biedl Opitz Beckwith-Wiedeman
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
Recurrent pneumonias
Ataxia telangiectasia -increased AFP
Bruton’s - male, encapsulated organisms, no LAD
SCID - viruses, otitis media in infancy, lymphopenia
Hyper-IgM - lymphocytosis, neutropenia, no IgG
Hyper-IgE - Staph, pneumatoceles, delayed tooth loss
CVID - low Ig of all subtypes, recurrent viral infections
Aspergillus - eosinophilia, nodular infiltrates
BOOP - grossly purulent material in airways, neg cx
Congenital pulm malformation- pneumonias are often on the same side
Respiratory rate norms
Tachypnea (by age) 1yo >60 (maybe even >40) 2yo >50 3yo > 40 4yo > 30 5yo > 20
Heart rate norms
Neonates 100-160
5yo avg heart rate = 100-120
10 yo avg heart rate = 80-110
Blood pressure norms
Systolic BP > 90th% (by age)
1yo >100
5 yo >110
10 yo >115