Endo Flashcards
What chance does an identical twin of a diabetic have of developing the disease?
What is the risk of developing T1DM in the general population?
What is the risk of developing T1DM if your mother has it?
What is th risk of developing T1DM if your father has it?
What might trigger development of T1DM?
enteroviral infections
cows milk protein
What causes T1DM
AI process
-> pancreatic beta cell destruction
insulin deficiency
What are markers of bet cell destruction?
islet cell antibodies
glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies
When are the two age peaks and two seasonal peaks in T1DM presentation?
What is the classical paediatric presentation of T1DM
weight loss
nocturnal enuresis
What are rarer presenting features of T1DM in paeds?
skin sepsis
candida infection
Symptoms and Signs of DKA
abdo pain vomiting dehydration (can -> shock) hyperventilation drowsiness (can -> coma) sell of ketones on breath
How to confirm diagnosis of T1DM
random blood glucose >11.1
fasting blood glucose >7
When might you suspect T2DM in a child?
fhx T2DM
severely obese
acanthosis nigricans
PCOS phenotype
What does diabetes education involve?
Pathophysiology of T1DM Insulin injection: sites + technique Diet advice: carb counting Adjusting for exercise Sick-day rules Blood glucose + ketones monitoring Recognising and treating hypos Psych impact Sources of support
Who comprise the diabetes MDT?
Paeds consultant Paeds diabetic specialist nurse Paeds dietician Clinical osychologist Social worker Support groups
Rapid-acting human insulin analgues
insulin lispro: Humalog
insulin glulisine: Apidra
insulin aspart: Novo Rapid
Long-acting human insulin analogues
insulin detemir: Levemir
glargine: :antus
Short-acting soluble human regulator insulin
Actrapid Humulin 5 30-60 min onset of action 8 hr duration given 15-30 min prior to meals
intermediate-acting insulin
Humulin I
1-2 hr onset
peak action 4-12 hrs
insulin injection sites
sub cutaneous: upper arm buttocks abdomen ant + lat thigh