Endo Flashcards
2 types of fibres which transmit dental pain & sensations they trigger
A delta fibres → sharp, shooting pain
C fibres → dull, aching pain
Special investigations for endodontic examination
- Percussion
- Palpation
- Mobility
- 6PPC of tooth
- Sensibility: EPT, cold
- Radiographs
- Frac finder/ tooth sleuth
- Test cavity
- Selective anaesthesia
Which nerves do EPT typically stimulate?
C fibres may not respond
In what cases may EPT readings be unreliable?
Open apices
Recent trauma
2 diagnoses in AAE endodontic diagnosis
Pulpal diagnosis
Periapical diagnosis
AAE pulpal diagnoses (7)
- Normal pulp
- Reversible pulpitis
- Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
- Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis
- Pulpal necrosis
- Previously treated
- Previously initiated treatment
AAE apical diagnoses (6)
- Normal apical tissues
- Symptomatic apical periodontitis
- Asymptomatic apical periodontitis
- Acute apical abscess
- Chronic apical abscess
- Condensing osteitis
Contraindications to endodontic treatment
Myocardial infarction within last 6 months
Considerations for patients with CVD to undergo RCT (3)
- Stress reduction protocol:
- Short appointments
- Sedation
- Pain & anxiety control
Considerations for diabetic patients to undergo RCT
Schedule appt so that does not interfere with patients normal insulin & meal schedule
2 guides for assessing case difficulty and the need for referral for endodontic treatment
AAE endodontic case difficulty assessment form
NHS Restorative Dentistry Index of Treatment need - Complexity Assessment
Discussion points to cover when consenting patient to endodontic therapy
- Procedure
- Prognosis
Irreversible pulpitis: 90%
Pulpal necrosis: 80% - Alternatives to tx
No treatment
Wait for more definitive symptoms to develop
XLA - Risks of tx:
Instrument separation
Damage to adjacent restorations
Missed canals
Increased risk of fracture
Failure of endodontic tx - Risks of no tx:
Loss of teeth
Infection to other areas - Consent
When may sensibility tests yield false positives?
Pulp not totally necrotic
Multirooted teeth (pulp in some canals may still be vital)
3 advantages of CaOH as cavity base/ liners
- High pH & stimulates reparative dentine formation
- Stimulates recalcification of demineralised dentine
- Neutralises low pH of acidic restorative material
3 disadvantages of CaOH as cavity base/ liners
- Cytotoxic
- Weak cement
- Very soluble if not protected
3 design objectives of mechanical preparation
Continuous taper
Maintain original location of apical foramen
Keep apical opening as small as possible
Ideal properties of endodontic disinfection irrigants (14)
- Low cost
- Washing action
- Reduces friction
- Kills planktonic microbes
- Kills biofilm microbes
- Non toxic to periapical tissue
- Non-allergenic
- Enhances cutting of dentine by instruments
- Temperature control
- Dissolves organic & inorganic matter
- Penetrates root canal system
- Does not weaken dentin
- Does not react with negative consequences with other dental materials
4 advantages of NaOCl as endodontic disinfection irrigant
- Potent antimicrobial
- Dissolves pulp remnants & collagen
- Dissolves necrotic & vital tissue
- Disrupts smear layer by acting on organic component
Factors important for NaOCl function (5)
Concentration (0.5% - 6%)
Volume (30ml after instrumentation, final rinse)
Contact (adequate apical preparation + needle size & type)
Mechanical agitation (endoactivator, manual dynamic irrigation)
Concentration of NaOCl used for endodontics
0.5% - 6%
3 limitations/ disadvantages of NaOCl
Affects dentine properties: elasticity, flexural strength
Unable to remove smear layer by itself
Effect on organic material
Advantage of EDTA (1)
Capable of removing smear layer when used with NaOCl
Complications of NaOCl use (4)
Discolours fabric
Eye injury (chemical burns)
Extrusion injuries
Allergic reactions
MOA of CHX (3)
+ charged CHX attracted to - charged phospholipid molecules
Binds to cell wall and causes it to rupture
Cell cytoplasm leaks → lysis → cell death
adsorbs to pellicle, provides bacteriostatic effect lasting 12-14 hours
3 advantages of CHX as irrigant solution
- Antibacterial
- Antimicrobial substantivity - adsorption prevents microbial colonisation
- Biocompatible
Disadvantage of CHX
Sensitivity possible - anaphylaxis
Interaction between CHX & NaOCl
- What does it form
- Problems it causes
Forms precipitate which may be cytotoxic & carcinogenic
Proposed cleaning & shaping protocol
- 3% NaOCl irrigation throughout instrumentation
- 30ml NaOCl penultimate rinse after instrumentation complete with MDI for 10 mins prior to obturation
- 1 min EDTA rinse
- Final NaOCl rinse
- Dry with paper points between irrigants
Symptoms of NaOCl extrusion (6)
- Pain
- Swelling
- Ecchymosis
- Haemorrhage
- Bad smell/ taste if bleach extrudes into maxillary antrum
- Intraoral ulceration
- Intraoral necrosis
- Airway obstruction
- Neurovascular deficit
- Altered sensation in areas of supply by mental nerve & infraorbital nerve
Risk factors of NaOCl extrusion
- Excessive pressure during irrigation
- Needle locked in canal
- Loss of control of working length
- Large apical diameters
– Root resorption
– Immature teeth
– Developmental abnormalities - Roots of maxillary molars close to sinus
Management of NaOCl extrusion (10)
- Stop tx
- Reassure pt and explain what’s happened + management
- Provide LA
- Irrigate with saline
- Allow haemostasis if profuse bleeding
- Dress with odontopaste
- Temporise and seal access cavity
- Post op advice
– Analgesia (Paracetamol +/- ibuprofen)
– Cold compress initially to reduce swelling
– Warm compress after to reduce ecchymosis - Refer if severe
- RV in 24 hours
How to prevent NaOCl accidents (12)
- Pre-op assessment for apices, perforations
- Good isolation: pre-endo build up if needed, caulking agent (opaldam), check seal of dam, dam approved by clinician
- Use index finger to depress plunger
- Luer lock syringe
- Fill syringe less for better control
- Side vented needle
- Needle should not bind
- Use rubber stopper on needle 2mm short of WL
- Bib and glasses for patients
- Pass syringe behind patient
- Report irrigation/ endodontic incident to staff
- Report any concern about clinical handling of NaOCl
Contents of odontopaste (4)
- Triamcinolone acetonide (corticosteroid)
- Clindamycin hydrochloride (antibiotic)
- CaOH
Use of odontopaste (1)
To reduce inflammation in inflamed +/ hyperaemic pulps to be root treated
Contents of ledermix (2)
- Demeclocycline (tetracycline antibiotic)
- Triamcinolone acetonide (corticosteroid)