End of the Book 3 Flashcards
to be able to understand someone else’s feelings, problems etc, especially because you have had similar experiences - همدردی
- My mother died last year so I can really empathize with what he’s going through.
Abide by Sth
to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with it - قبول کردن تحت هر شرایطی
- You have to abide by the referee’s decision.
relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the difference between good and evil - اخلاقی
- It is easy to have an opinion on a moral issue like the death penalty for murder.
faithful and very loyal - وفادار
- her father’s steadfast love for her
to hold someone or something tightly, especially because you do not feel safe - چسبیدن به کسی از روی ترس
- He wailed and clung to his mother.
- Passengers clung desperately on to the lifeboats.
an idea, belief, or opinion
- The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years.
- She had no notion what he meant.
used when mentioning a fact that you wish was not true - افسوس
- Donald, alas, died last year.
to think about something again carefully in order to decide whether to change your opinion or judgment about it SYN reappraise - ارزیابی مجدد
- This has caused us to reassess the way we approach our planning.
a large powerful organization that cannot change quickly and does not consider the ideas or feelings of the people it affects - یکپارچگی
- It is misleading (گمراه کننده) to see the legal system as a monolith.
clearly separate - گسسته
- The change happens in a series of discrete steps.
producing or achieving a lot OPP unproductive - سازنده و پربار
- Most of us are more productive in the morning.
- Most of us are more productive in the morning.
easy to notice SYN obvious
- It soon became apparent that we had a major problem.
used when giving your opinion to say that there are good reasons why something might be true - مسلما
- Senna was arguably the greatest racing driver of all time.
the scientific study of people, their societies, cultures etc - مردم شناسی
to make movements with your arms and hands, usually while speaking, because you are excited, angry, or cannot think of the right words to use SYN gesture
- Jane gesticulated wildly and shouted ‘Stop! Stop!’
to make a sound or sounds with your voice
relating to seeing - دیداری
- Artists translate their ideas into visual images.
relating to the ability to hear - شنوایی
someone who receives something
- the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
Bland food
food that is bland has very little taste SYN tasteless
- a bland diet
- a stick of celery
an area surrounded by a wall or fence, and used for a particular purpose - محوطه
- the bear enclosure at the zoo
to pretend to have a particular feeling or to be ill, asleep etc - تظاهر به بیماری یا خواب
- Feigning a headache, I went upstairs to my room.
the state of not being able to understand something - عدم درک
- He spread his hands in a gesture of incomprehension.
a member of the group of animals that includes humans and monkeys - راسته پستانداران نخستین
used to emphasize how small or unimportant something or someone is SYN only
- He’s merely a boy – you can’t expect him to understand.
an innate quality or ability is something you are born with - ذاتی
- Children have an innate ability to learn language.
something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done - پیش نیاز
- A reasonable proficiency (مهارت) in English is a prerequisite for the course.
to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand or sounds silly - نامفهوم حرف زدن
- I have no idea what he was babbling on about.
the smallest unit of speech that can be used to make one word different from another word, such as the ‘b’ and the ‘p’ in ‘big’ and ‘pig’ - صوت یا صدای ساده
all the plays, pieces of music etc that a performer or group knows and can perform
- The group include some techno in their repertoire.
to show something that is usually covered or hidden - در معرض گذاشتن
- He lifted his T-shirt to expose a jagged scar across his chest.
the way in which the level of your voice changes in order to add meaning to what you are saying, for example by going up at the end of a question - زیر و بم صدا
- intonation patterns
someone who has a lot of knowledge about many different subjects - بحرالعلوم
the baby of a cow, or of some other large animals, such as an elephant
fully grown and developed OPP immature - بالغ
- Mature apple trees are typically 20 feet tall.
- The human brain isn’t fully mature until about age 25.
an involuntary movement, sound, reaction etc is one that you make suddenly and without intending to because you cannot control yourself - بی اختیار
- When Willie tapped on the window, Miguel gave an involuntary jump.
a small object that produces a high whistling sound when you blow into it - سوت
- The lifeguard blew his whistle.
a name, especially one that you choose for yourself or give something - لقب - نام کاربری
a rudimentary knowledge or understanding of a subject is very simple and basic OPP sophisticated - ابتدایی
- Gradually, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music.
- my rudimentary German
clearly different or belonging to a different type - متمایز
- two entirely distinct languages
- There are four distinct types.
to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is difficult
- When her knock elicited no response, she opened the door and peeped in.
- The test uses pictures to elicit words from the child.
a high-pitched sound or voice is very high, and often unpleasant or annoying to listen to - صدای بلند
- I could hear high-pitched laughter coming from the girls’ bedroom.
to make short sounds or say a few words in a rough voice, when you do not want to talk - نالیدن - خرخر کردن
- He just grunted and carried on reading his book.
attractive or interesting OPP unappealing
- The city offers an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events.
- It creates an atmosphere which visitors find so appealing.
a clear difference or separation between two similar things
- the distinction between formal and informal language
- There is often no clear distinction between an allergy and food intolerance.