End Of Cao Flashcards
Jan 1981
Reagan takes office
March 1983
Star Wars (SDI) initiative and Evil Empire Speech
Nov 1983
Deploying of Pershing 2 Missiles and Cruise missiles to Western Europe
Able Archer Excercise
Mar 1985
Gorbachev came to power
Same year adopted Glastnost
Nov 1985
Geneva Summit between Reagan and Gorbachev
First meeting and build in of good rapport
Feb 1986
New thinking policy introduced to Party Congress
Key points were to A) advocate arms reduction and call for arms equality with the USA
B) use the UN as the main tool for disputes
C) Renounce the Soviet prerogative of the Brezhnev Doctrine
D) reduce Soviet interference in third world
Oct 1986
Reykjavik Summit; came close to abolishing all nuclear arms but deal breaker by SDI programme
Jan 1987
Calls for democratisation of the Soviet Unions political processes; introduction of elections and re-educate people.
June 1987
Perestroika; Law on State enterprises (State enterprises free to dictate prices after achieving state quota),
Law on Cooperatives in May to permit private ownership
Dec 1987
Washington Summit, INF Treaty signed abolishing a whole category of nukes
May 1988
Moscow Summit ratifying INF treaty but again disagreements on SDI
Feb 1989
End of War in Afghanistan
4 June 1989
Solidarity victory in elections in Poland
9 Nov 1989
Fall of the Berlin Wall (Representing the collapse of communism in East Germany)
Declaration of Independence of many Soviet states: Russia, Ukraine, Baltic States, Uzbekistan etc.
Mar 1991
New Union Treaty suggesting Union of Republic but referendum boycotted by 9/15 republics
Aug 1991
Coup by conservatives due to the New Union Treaty and Boris Yeltsin comes to rescue
25 December 1991
Gorbachev resignation as president and the official dissolution of the USSR
4 Sep - 4 Nov 1989
Leipzig Demonstrations; around 500,000 people gathered at East Berlin
16 Jan 1991
Gulf War broke out and first time in history both superpowers worked together to deal with threat, this was despite Iraq being an ally to the USSR, showing full commitment to USSR cooperation with the US