encyclicals Flashcards
aeterni patris
by pope Leo 13th
the restoration of Christian philosophy
- political problems, problems with enlightenment and philosophy (we need to go back to Thomas Aquinas)
by pope leo 13
on the origin of civil power
talks about how power comes from God, and only god should appoint your leaders.
the only way you can get rid of ruler is if ruler broken laws of God
immortale Dei
by pope leo 13 (on the constitution of Christian states)
- i dont like democracy, but if you live in an democracy, you should be a good citizen (follow rules- dont rebel, unless leader breaks laws of God)
- democracy is not preferable, but tolerable
longinqua oceani
by pope leo 13 (wide expense of the ocean)
writes about how he want to talk to people on other side of the ocean (americans)
writes how they are wrong if you think america is the best model of government. and that if you are a roman catholic in america to not foget to obey law unless ruler went agains God, to show people you can be good christians, to defend church.
warning 1: stay together as christians (neighborhoods, social groups, schools) so you dont fall away from church
warning 2: americanismdont reject monarchy- dont accept to political freedom/ american ideas
rerum novarum
by pope leo 13
social justice and rights of workers
by pope pius x
modernists is atheistic
L’evangile et L’eglise
by alfred loisy
church is not perfect, it updates itself
(pictures of Jesus, rules, etc)
by george tyrell
church stuck in medieval times. all things chucrh wants us to follow is out of date
Humani generis
by pius xii (concerning some false opinions which threaten to undermine the foundations of catholic doctrine)
- allowed to teach it, but we are not concerned where body comes from- but that you understand you are a soul and souls dont evolve- created by God
- polygenism
cant use evolution as an excuse for racism
you cant think races were created independently and we are not same species/some races dominate each other.
beatissimi apostolorum
by pope benedict vi on wwi
theres a better way to solve problems other than war
with deep burning anxiety
by pius xi
wwii, writes it in german snf order to read in palm sunday
talks about nazis being neopagans
pacem in terris
by pope john xxiii
(peace on earth)
human rights: all human need food, clothing, shelter, etc
mater et magistra
by pope john xxiii
(mother and teacher)
Human rights promotion is an indispensable mission of the Church.
unitatis redintegratio
book by vatican ii (decree of ecumenism)
invite people from other christian churches
document of efforts for recommunication
first part: apology
2nd part: orthodox
3rd part: angelican community
4th: lutheran church
ut unum sint
by John Paul ii
a plea for unity that calls every Christian to live out and help bring about Jesus’ prayer to the father, “that they may be one.
(since reason for division does not matter anymore)