Encopresis Flashcards
Encopresis - background
- Def = soiling due to overflow incontinence
- In most children - caused by underlying constipation
- Painful or distressing experience with defecation leads to stool-withholding behaviour, which further contributes to constipation
- Constipation -> large bolus of faeces which the child cannot shift. Rectum dilates and habituates to distension -> child becomes unaware of the need to empty it
- Stool may seep out beyond child’s control. Soiling in child’s pants
Encopresis - causes of stool-withholding
- Constipation, possibly following dehydration during an illness
- Inhibition of defecation because of pain from a fissure
- Anxieties about using the toilet
Encopresis - mx
- Discuss the condition with child and parents - let them know that retention is present and that it has lead to incontinence
- Empty rectum as soon as possible. Stool softener (e.g. macrogo) given for several weeks, followed by stimulant laxative (docusate, sodium picosulphate or senna) + osmotic laxative (lactulose) if necessary. Sometimes an enema is required
- Maintenance laxative therapy once rectum disimpacted
- Child encouraged to defecate regularly in the toilet - stars on a star chart
- Identify and treat underlying reasons for fecal retention (e.g. anal fissure)
Mx anal fissures in children?
- In adults, tx constipation, then +/- NTG ointment (adverse effects), then botox, then internal anal sphincterotomy