Enamel Flashcards
Ameloblasts having ruffled borders are:
a- Secretory ameloblasts.
b- Maturative ameloblasts.
c- Protective ameloblasts.
d- Transitional ameloblasts.
Which of the following is not a feature of enamel?
a- Contour lines of Owen.
b- Cross striations.
c- Prism sheath.
d- Perikymata.
Maturative ameloblasts are characterized by having:
a- A distally positioned nucleus.
b- A highly basophilic cytoplasm.
c- A highly-developed Golgi complex.
d-A distal cell membrane with many infoldings.
Which of the following does not occur during maturation of enamel?
a- Influx of calcium and phosphorus.
b- Growth of hydroxyapatite crystals.
c- Increase in organic content.
d-Decrease in the water content.
Incremental lines are a result of variation in:
a- Proliferation.
b- Histodifferentiation.
c- Morphodifferentiation.
d- Rhythmic apposition.
The prismatic structure of enamel is due to:
a- Variation in the density of organic material.
b- Variation in crystal orientation.
c- A rhythmic pattern of apposition.
d- The periodic change in prism direction.
The prismless layer of enamel:
a- Is found only in primary teeth.
b- Does not contain prism & prism sheaths.
c- Is found near the amelo-dentinal junction.
d- Contains no hydroxyapatite.
Enamel tufts:
a- Contain cellular processes.
b- Can pass to dentin.
c- Are seen in decalcified sections.
d- Are grass like structure.
During the maturation stage of enamel formation, which of the following does not occur in the ameloblastic layer?
a- Water absorption.
b- Protein absorption.
c- Change in cellular organelles.
d- Secretion of enamel matrix.
When prismless enamel is formed, the secretory ameloblast does not contain:
a- Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Tome’s process.
c- Nucleus.
d- Secretory granules.
Which of the following is true:
a- Enamel is the weakly mineralized tissue.
b- Enamel is the highly mineralized tissue
c- Enamel is the highly permeable tissue.
d-Enamel is a non brittle tissue.
Neonatal lines are present in:
a- All permanent teeth.
b- Permanent canines.
c- All deciduous & first permanent molar.
d- Premolars.
Organic components of enamel are primarily removed from enamel by:
a- Secretory ameloblasts.
b- Maturative ameloblasts.
c- Transitional ameloblasts.
d- Enamel spindle.
The main difference between the rod and the interrod region is:
a- Crystal size.
b- Crystal orientation.
c- Crystal composition.
d- In the nature of the organic component.
The striae of Retzius:
a- Are parallel to the enamel rods.
b- Are parallel to the surface of the enamel in the cervical region.
c- Are not seen in the cuspal one third of the enamel.
d- Would be seen as concentric rings in a horizontal section of the crown.
Enamel is composed of:
a) Rod, interrod & rod sheath.
b) Only enamel prisms.
c) Needle shaped crystals.
d) Prism sheath.
The extensions from secretory ameloblast cells that give structure to enamel rods are called:
a) Enamel tuft.
b) Tomes processes.
c) Enamel spindles.
d) Enamel lamellae.
Striae of Retzius:
a) Result from enamel crack.
b) Separate prenatal from postnatal enamel.
c) Are due to rhythmic apposition of enamel.
d) Are hypermineralized structure.
Enamel Rods:
a) Their number varies in different teeth.
b) Have an average width of 1um.
c) Are Present at the enamel surface.
d) Have a straight course at the cusps of teeth.