Cementum Flashcards
Cementum may cover part of the enamel due to:
a- Premature differentiation of cementoblasts.
b- Destruction of the reduced enamel epithelium covering this part.
c- Malfunctioning of the maturative ameloblasts.
d- Premature destruction of the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig.
Which of the following cell is responsible for cementogenesis?
a- Ameloblast.
b- Osteoblast.
c- Cementoblast.
Which of the following is true about cementum? It:
a- Provides nutrients to secondary dentin in the root.
b- Provides for the attachment of principal periodontal fibers.
c- Contains neural receptors.
d- Is more easily resorbed than bone.
Which of the following is not a feature of cellular cementum?
a- Lacunae and canaliculi.
b- Continuous remodeling.
c- Sharpey’s fibers.
d- Incremental lines.
Cementum may be deposited on the surface of enamel as a consequence of:
a- Early degeneration of Hertwig’s sheath.
b- Injury to the reduced enamel epithelium.
c- Late degeneration of Hertwig’s sheath.
d-During passive eruption.
a- Are derived from the dental papilla.
b- Secrete both collagen and glycosaminoglycans.
c- Are multinucleated cell.
d- May become incorporated into acellular cementum.
Which of the following does not increase normally with age?
a- Pulp stones.
b- Dentin sclerosis.
c- Interglobular dentin.
d- Cementum thickness.
Which of the following is not present inside both cellular and acellular cementum:
a- Cementoblasts
b- Hydroxyapatite crystals.
c- Incremental lines.
d- Sharpey’s fibers.
Persistance of epithelial root sheath of Hertwig will result in:
a- Formation of intermediate cementum.
b- No cementum formation.
c- Formation of acellular cementum.
d- Formation of accessory root canal.
human teeth contain varities of cementum:
a- acelllular extrinsic fiber cementum.
b- cellular intrinsic fiber cementun.
c- mixed stratified cementum.
d- all of the above.
Incremental lines of Salter are:
a- highly mineralized areas having less collagen and great amount of
b- hypomineralized areas containing less collagen and great amount of
c- unmineralized areas containing no collagen nor mucopolysaccharides.
d- similar to cementum mineralization.
cementum hypertrophy occurs:
a- in non functioning teeth. b- functioning teeth.
c- in embedded teeth. d- in malposed tooth
Cementoblasts are derived from:
a- epithelial root sheath of Hertwig.
b- epithelial rests of Malassez.
c- cells of dental papilla.
d- ectomesenchymal cells of tooth sac.