En la universidad Flashcards
Translation: "Student expressions" Pronunciation: ehk-spreh-SYOH-nehs deh es-too-DYAN-tehs
Más despacio, por favor
Pronunciation: mahs dehs-PAH-syoh, pohr fah-BOR
Slower, please
¿Cómo se dice?
Pronunciation: KOH-moh seh DEE-seh
How do you say?
¿Cómo se escribe?
Pronunciation: KOH-moh seh
How is it written?
No entiendo
Pronunciation: noh en-tee-EN-doh
I don’t understand
Tengo una pregunta
Pronunciation: TEN-goh OO-nah preh-GOON-tah
I have a question
Pronunciation: KOH-moh
“How?” or “What?” (depending on context)
Pronunciation: GRAH-syahs
Thank you
Pronunciation: dees-KOOL-peh
Excuse me
Estamos en la página (#)
Pronunciation: ehs-TAH-mohs en lah PAH-hee-nah (#)
We are on page (#)
Pronunciation: DEE-meh
“Tell me”
Pronunciation: en-THON-says
Pronunciation: en-TYEN-dess / en-TYEN-den
“Do you understand?” / “Do you all understand?”
Pronunciation: PEH-roh
Pronunciation: POR-keh
Porque sí
Pronunciation: POR-keh see
Translation: “Because yes” / “Just because”
Levanta/Levanten la mano
Pronunciation: leh-VAHN-tah / leh-VAHN-ten lah MAH-noh
“Raise your hand” / “Raise your hands”
Su atención, por favor
Pronunciation: soo ah-ten-SYOHN, pohr fah-BOR
“Your attention, please”
¿Qué estudias?
Pronunciation: keh ehs-TOO-dee-ahs
“What are you studying?”
¿Qué clases tienes este trimestre?
Pronunciation: keh KLAH-ses TYEH-nes EHS-teh tree-MES-treh
“What classes do you have this term?”
¿Cuáles son tus materias favoritas?
Pronunciation: KWAH-les sohn toos mah-TEH-ree-ahs fah-voh-REE-tahs
“What are your favorite subjects?”
El bolígrafo
Pronunciation: el boh-LEE-grah-foh
La calculadora
Pronunciation: lah kahl-koo-lah-DOH-rah
The Calculator
La computadora
Pronunciation: lah kohm-poo-tah-DOH-rah
The Computer
El cuaderno
Pronunciation: el kwah-DER-noh
The notebook
El diccionario
Pronunciation: el dee-see-oh-NAH-ree-oh
The dictionary
El lápiz
Pronunciation: el LAH-pees
The pencil
El libro
Pronunciation: el LEE-broh
The book
El mapa
Pronunciation: el MAH-pah
The map
El marcador
Pronunciation: el mahr-kah-DOR
The marker
El destacador
Pronunciation: el dehs-tah-kah-DOR
The highlighter
El pupitre
Pronunciation: el poo-PEE-treh
The desk
La mesa
Pronunciation: lah MEH-sah
The table
La mochila
Pronunciation: lah moh-CHEE-lah
The Backpack
El papel
Pronunciation: el pah-PEL
The Paper
La pizarra
Pronunciation: lah pee-ZAHR-rah
The blackboard
El reloj
Pronunciation: el reh-LOH
The watch (wrist watch)
La silla
Pronunciation: lah SEE-yah
The chair
El celular
Pronunciation: el seh-loo-LAHR
The cell phone
La clase
Pronunciation: lah KLAH-seh
The class
El edificio
Pronunciation: el eh-dee-FEE-syoh
The building
La cafetería
Pronunciation: lah kah-feh-teh-REE-ah
The cafeteria
La librería
Pronunciation: lah lee-breh-REE-ah
The bookstore
La biblioteca
Pronunciation: lah bee-blyoh-TEH-kah
The library
El gimnasio
Pronunciation: el heem-NAH-syoh
The Gym
El centro estudiantil
Pronunciation: el SEHN-troh ehs-too-dee-AN-teel
The student center
Hay (ai)
Is there? / Are There? / there is/there are