EMT Chapter 4: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Flashcards
What is it called when mentally competent adults of legal age accept care from an EMS crew?
Expresses consent
What is it called when authority is granted to a teacher or other adult by a child’s parents to make treatment decisions in their absence?
In loco parentis
What is it called when an EMS personnel can treat unconscious patients because the law holds that rational patients would consent to treatment if they were conscious?
Implied consent
What are minors who are married or of a certain age and who can legally able to give consent for medical care known as?
What is the form called that patients must sign when they refuse care?
A release form
What could refusal to go to a hospital, or unwillingness to accept the idea of illness be a form of?
If an EMT forces a competent patient to go to the hospital against their will, the EMT may be charged with what?
What is a legal document, usually signed by the patient and their physician, stating that the patient has a terminal illness and does not wish to prolong life through resuscitative efforts called?
A DNR Order
What is a person whom the signer od a document names to make health care decisions in case the signer is unable to make such decisions called?
A Proxy
What are the legislative measures intended to provide legal protection for citizens and some health care personnel who administer emergency care known as?
Good Samaritan Laws
What is an EMT’s obligation in certain situations to provide care to a patient called?
A duty to act
What would an EMT be found guilty of if the jury found that an EMT had a duty to a patient, that the EMT failed to carry out that duty properly, and that this action caused harm to the patient?
What are the statutes that allow a person to abandon their parental duties and leagally drop off a child to an EMS station or other public safety building called?
Safe haven laws
What is a DNR order an example of?
An advance directive
What is the principle that information about a patient’s history, condition, or treatment must not be shared with unauthorized parties called?
What should you do if you discover that a critically injured patient is an organ doner?
Contact medical direction
Once the police have made the scene safe, what is the priority of the EMT at a crime scene?
Provide patient care
What is leaving a patient after care has been initiated and before the patient has been transferred to someone with equal of greater medical training known as?
What is the extent and limits of the job that the EMT does referred to as?
Scope of practice