EMS select policy Flashcards
An MQAO must have years as a medic. years as a medic with the city, and precepted students.
How many MQAO’s are on each shift.
The MQAO will be backfilled if gone for longer than hours?
MQAO will commit to a minimum term of years and can reapply for more terms.
for a max of 4 years
The Suspected Child Abuse Report (SS8572) shall be completed by the Captain or FF/EMT-Paramedic and forwarded to the EMS Division by……..
the end of the shift
Suspected child abuse must be reported by telephone
Within hours of the incident, the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator shall, by law, forward the Suspected Child Abuse Report (SS8572) to CPS
Within hours of the incident, the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator shall, by law, telephone and forward the completed Report of Suspected Adult/Elder Abuse form (SOC341)
When it has been determined that an incident has or more patients of any severity requiring transportation, the DCF shall be contacted, even if you do not declare a multi casualty
4 pt priorities on an MCI
Immediate, delayed, minor, deceased
An MCI is declared when
a) 4 or more Immediate patients meeting critical Trauma Criteria
b) 5 or more Immediate and/or Delayed patients with significant injuries
c) 10 or more Minor patients
d) At the discretion of the Incident Commander
The priorities on a MCI are the “three T’s”:
a) Triage
b) Treatment
c) Transport
Initial ICS positions to be filled at an MCI:
a) Incident Commander
b) Medical Communications Coordinator
After an MCI is declared who takes med group supervisor before EMS 1 arrives?
Position should be assigned to first or second arriving engine company officer.
The first arriving medic unit will establish the following two positions
a) Medical Communications Coordinator
b) Transportation Group Supervisor
Who ultimatley takes Med group supervisor upon arrival
Requirements for safe surrender.
- Cannot ask for the parent’s name.
- Baby must be three days old or younger.
- Baby cannot show any signs of abuse or neglect.
- Law allows for a 14-day cooling off period during which time the parent may change their mind and reclaim their baby
What is the difference between a “non-exposure” and “exposure?”
exposure to bodily fluids to non intact skin, membranes, needle stick
Post Exposure Prophylaxis must be given within hours of exposure.
Who is the EMS designated officer (DO) that we send exposure (ERE) paperwork to?
EMS coordinator (nurse)
The EMT-P sponsorship candidate may re-apply for upgrade months from the date of their last evaluation
Initial triage for each pt on an MCI should take seconds or less.
Control facility utilized for or more critical trauma
or more immediate or delayed
or more minor per incident
Air Track
This is the movement of air and smoke as observed from the exterior and interior of the structure. Air track is used to describe a group of fire behavior indicators that includes direction of smoke movement at openings (e.g., outward, inward, pulsing), velocity and turbulence, and movement of the lower boundary of the upper layer (e.g., up, down, pulsing).
Flow Path
In a compartment fire, flow path is the course of movement of hot gases between the fire and exhaust openings and the movement of air toward the fire. Flow path can significantly influence fire spread and the hazard presented to occupants and firefighters.
The internet features many videos showing firefighters standing at the front door trying to charge the line and mask up while, in a matter of one to two minutes, the whole place lights up and they are forced to retreat or use ineffective tactics. Why?
Size-Up Locate the Fire (360° every time with TIC) Isolate the flow patch Cool from a safe distance Extinguish Rescue Salvage
Detect Isolate Confine Extinguish Rescue Salvage Ventilation Overhaul
Rescue Exposures Confinement Extinguish Overhaul Ventilation Salvage