Employment Vocabulary Flashcards
A person who has agreed to work for a master of the trade, and gain practical experience and knowledge in their field of interest for a lower wage.
Training/education in a trade.
A method of resolving disputes between employers and employees in a court with an unbiased 3rd party.
A document outlining a worker’s minimum pay and conditions.
Employed on an hourly, “as-needed” basis.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The most senior person in charge of managing an organisation.
Collective wants
Goods and services that are used for the whole community.
Common law (employment) contracts
When an employer and employee negotiate a contract that covers pay and conditions.
Treating a person less fairly/nicely because of groups they belong to/ things they believe in.
All activities undertaken for the purpose of production, distribution and consumption of goods/services in a country.
A person who works for a wage/salary.
A person who hires employees.
Employment contract
Formal and legally binding agreement between an employer and employee.
Enterprise agreement
Agreement about pay/conditions made at a workplace/enterprise level.
Non-wage benefits.
Continuous, ongoing employment working 38+ weekly hours.
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Value-added tax levied on most goods/services sold for domestic purposes. Paid by consumers but passed on to the government by businesses.
Industrial action
Temporary show of unhappiness by employees
Labour force
Everyone above 15 who is employed or unemployed (looking for work)
Extra pay on top of the full-time pay rate for casual employees who don’t receive entitlements.
Participation rate
The percentage of people working age who are working or looking for work.
Ongoing employment with less than 38 hrs per week.
Primary industry
Industry involved in growing/extracting natural resources
Proportional to full-time benefits in relation to hours worked.
Quaternary industry
Industry involved in the transfer and processing of information and knowledge.
Quinary industry
Industry providing domestic services.
Termination of employment because the employee’s role is no longer required/the employer goes bankrupt.
Employment that is not continuous year-round but reoccurs.
Secondary industry
Industry involved in turning raw materials into finished products.
Sharing economy
AKA collaborative consumption, involves people sharing their possessions for payment
Standard of living
The degree of wealth and material comfort available.
Money set aside whilst you work by your employer to fund your retirement.
Part of income that’s taken by the government to pay for collective goods/services.
Tertiary industry
An industry that provides a service to others.
When people are trying to find work but have been unsuccessful so far.
Being comfortable, happy and healthy.
Work-life balance
Achieving the right balance between the time spent on work and personal life.
Similar to mediation except the conciliator can suggest possible solutions
Gender segregation
The physical/legal/cultural separation of people according to their sex
Grievance procedures
Predetermined steps followed to resolve a dispute (employment)
Area of economic activity/employment/trade/manufacturing/production/gathering of resources
When a 3rd party helps those involved in a dispute to negotiate a solution acceptable for both sides
Method of resolving disputes where the parties discuss issues and try to compromise
Unfair dismissal
Employment termination considered to be harsh/unreasonable/unjust