Employment Flashcards
Occupational sex segregation
Occupation dominated by either men or women
Vertical segregation
Segregation associated with differences of education, experience, and skill within the same field
Horizontal segregation *most important
Segregation WITHIN occupations in different filers of educational and skill requirements
women dominated jobs = pay less
Women are under represented in occupations that matter and over represented in jobs that do not matter
Pink collar jobs
Performs jobs in the service industry
Blue collar jobs
Skilled or unskilled Manuel labor
Sex segregation
Physical, legal, and cultural separation of people according to their biological sex
Emotion work
Work done in a conscious effort to maintain the well being of a relationship
Glass ceiling / sticky floor
An unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities
Glass cellar
Lowest tier of hazardous and poorly paid jobs
Glass escalator
Female dominated professions where I men enter those professions and rise up past women, reviewing promotions at quicker rates than women
Recruiting a small number of people from underrepresented groups in order to give the appearance of sexual or racial equality within a workplace
Population in men = lower
Work force in men = higher
Educational statistics
Ages 25-44
Men = 88.3% women 82%
More educated = more likely to participate in labor force
3/4 of women work after uni
% of employed women with children
Female lone parents = spike in 1995 (welfare reform)
2/3 of women work when children hit the age of 3
increase in Labor force over the last 30-40 years
Make dominated occupations
(White supremacy)
Women in trades = lower than 2% - do not need uni education
Principals = men (secondary schools) (elementary more equal = but still higher)
Female dominated occupations
Early childhood educators 96.8% difficult for men, sexual predators
Nurturers, emotion work - bring why they do at home to the work force
Marginalized as irrelevant, no effort
27% chair positions (too devoted to children)
Journalism = talk about health