Empirical Points Flashcards
Bi: wandering
UB 17
SP 10
(both are influential points of Blood)
malposition of fetus
UB 67
loss of consciousness
DU 26
leukorrhea - red
SP 10
Sea of Blood
diarrhea d/t damp-heat
ST 44
SP 9
excess sweating
LI 4
KD 7
DU 23
LI 4
(nose orifice + command point for the face)
Bi: fixed
ST 36
SP 5
TH 3
jaundice - yang
LV 3
GB 34
(yang jaundice is due to damp-heat and both of these clear heat from LV/GB)
PC 5
foot inversion
KD 3
KD 6
Bi: heat
DU 14
LI 11
SI 4
DU 9
jaundice - yin
UB 20
UB 48
(yin jaundice is due to cold-damp)
aphasia w/ stiff tongue
DU 15
RN 23
HT 5
food retention
Bi: bone
UB 11
UB 39
(influential points of bones + marrow)
sudden loss of voice
HT 5
RN 23
Bi: pain
UB 23
RN 4
(KD back-shu)
Cough w/ blood
LU 6
UB 17
(back-shu of diaphragm)
PC 6
foot eversion
GB 31
GB 40
UB 62
epilepsy: day seizure
UB 62
Bi: tendon
influential point of sinews
DU 20
GB 20
TH 5
epilepsy: night seizure
KD 6
GB 36
lactation - stop
GB 37
GB 41
prolapsed rectum
DU 20
DU 1
shoulder pain
ST 38
UB 57
DU 12
UB 43
(Body Pillar + Rich for the Vitals)
facial puffiness
DU 26
looks like a ditch
SI 3
HT 6
KD 7
RN 17
LV 3
(influential point of qi in the chest + soothe LV qi)
excess alcohol w/ vomiting
GB 8
hypochondriac + chest distension
RN 17
LV 14
(influential point of qi in the chest + hypochondriac distention)
DU 10