Dui Xue Flashcards
breast abscess
SI1 + ST18 (or SI1 + RN17)
release exterior wind
UB12 + LI4
prevent cold
UB12 + ST36 (moxa)
UB17 + PC6
move blood
UB17 + SP10
tonify KD yin
KD3 + KD6
tonify KD yin (w/ an 8 Extra)
KD6 + RN4
tonify KD yang
KD3 + KD7
tonify KD yang (w/ an 8 Extra)
KD7 + DU4
spontaneous sweating
KD7 + LI4
night sweats
KD7 + HT6
chest pain/angina
PC4 + PC6
2 distal points for deafness/tinnitus?
SJ3 + GB43
2 local points for deafness/tinnitus?
SJ17 + GB2
SJ6 + KD6
hypochondriac pain
SJ6 + GB34
herpes zoster
SJ6 + GB31
ANY type of damp heat
SP9 + LI11
host/guest tx for the eyes
LV3 + GB37
bone bi
GB39 + UB11
to prevent wind-stroke
GB39 + ST36 (moxa)
side of body problems
GB41 + SJ5 (Dai + Yang Wei)
excess phlegm in the LU
not including ST40
LU1 + LU5
add in ST40 of course
move blood
UB17 + SP10
stop LU bleeding
UB17 + LU6
wind-cold, wind-water
LU7 + LI4
clear LU heat
LU10 + LI11
4 Gates
LI4 + LV3
Yang edema (acute, face)
LU7 + LI6
powerful qi + blood tonic
LI11 + ST36
Leg 3 Miles + Arm 3 Miles
both are yang ming (abundant qi and blood)
Yangming headache
ST8 + ST44 (local + distal)
for the abdomen
ST36 + RN12
+PC6 if it includes the epigastric area since PC6 is command point of the chest
ST36 combination to tonify the middle jiao
ST36 + SP3
ST36 combination to boost the immune system
ST36 + LI10
ST36 combination to prevent stroke (internal wind)
ST36 + GB39 (moxa)
ST36 combination to prevent cold (external wind)
ST36 + UB12 (moxa)
ST heat - bleeding gum, etc
ST44 + LI11
distal point combo for trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis, Yangming headache
ST44 + LI4
2 local points good for foot edema (yin edema)
GB41 + SP5
SP damp
SP9 + RN12
LI damp
SP9 + ST37
LI lower He-sea
UB damp
SP9 + RN3 + UB28
UB front-mu and back-shu
LV/GB damp
SP9 + GB34
open the orifices
HT9 + DU20
or Yintang instead of DU20