Emotivism Flashcards
What is Emotivism ?
The idea that moral statements are not statements of fact, but are indicators of emotional state
What is non-cognitivism ?
The belief that moral statements are not subject to truth or falsity
What is the idea of logical positivism ?
That philosophical analysis is the way to determine weather an idea can be meaningful
Who said, “The vice entirely escapes you, as long as you consider the object”
What is the verification principle put forward by logical positivists ?
Statements are only meaningful if they are true by definition or they are synthetic statements verifiable by the senses
Why is AJ ayers emotivism any different ?
His version says says we should only view statements as meaningful if we are able to say how we could verify them
In what way does Ayer use the term evince ?
To explain how ethical terms may show an emotional state
What is moral anti-realism ?
The belief that right and wrong don’t exit and ethics are a matter of opinion
What is RM Hares view on prescriptivism ?
He says when we make moral statements we are merely prescribing our views to others
What is JL Mackies Error theory ?
The argument that there are no moral facts , merely subjective values