Emotional Expression Development Flashcards
What is differential emotions theory?
Theories and views compiled into a theory by Izzard
What are the key assumptions of differential emotions theory?
10 fundamental emotions which are the principle motivational systems in humans. Each fundamental emotion has particular organising/motivating functions and unique experiential properties. Fundamental emotions lead to different inner experiences and have different effects on cognition and action. Emotional processes interact and influence homeostatic, drive, perceptual and motor processes. In turn, these processes influence emotions
Where does differential emotions theory draw ideas from?
There is an evolutionary focus linked to neural substrate
How do emotions emerge?
Pre-adapted according to a predictable time-table. Interest and joy from birth. Sadness and anger from 2-4 months. Fear from 7-9 months
Which emotions develop after infancy?
Some emotions are dependent upon a sense of self (a higher cognitive function) which infants lack, eg shame, guilt and contempt
Are MAX coded infant facial expressions understood by mothers?
Looked at sad, anger and physical distress. Found that mothers actions were appropriate to the coded emotion (Huebner and Izard 1988)
Does a facial expression mean the infant is feeling an emotion?
Often poor relationship between situation and expression, eg fear is rarely shown to strangers, surprise is rarely shown to violation of object permanence, sadness/anger/pain expressions are undifferentiated
Are infant facial expressions universal?
Variation between infants from different cultures in facial expressions used and in behaviour
What emotions are focused on in the updated differential emotion theory?
Now only 6 discrete emotions: interest, joy (or happiness), sadness, anger, disgust, fear
What type of approach does the updated differential emotion theory take?
Socio-cultural approach. Focus on the role for emotional schemas
What are emotional schemas?
After early development, emotion schemas are the most prominent source of human motivation. With maturation and learning, emotional schema take over. Emotion socialisation, cognitive development and social learning allow complex emotion blends. There is an emotion eliciting stim ulus, which triggers an emotional schema, and then an emotion
According to the updated differential emotions theory, what is the process of emotions in infancy?
The direct route is prominent in infancy where an emotion eliciting stimulus leads straight to the emotion. This is hardwired and leads to typically brief and intense emotions
What is the functionalist model of emotion?
Core affect. Basic emotional knowledge, which is hardwired at birth, and shared with other mammalian species. Conceptual-act model: discrete emotions may emerge from core affect
What is the dynamic systems approach?
Camras and Witherington 2005 review. Emotions emerge as results of a self organising system. Development is therefore constant, fluid, emergent or non-linear, and multi-determined. Similarity to connectionist ideas
How do infant brains develop physically?
Rapid head growth after birth accompanying a rise in brain volume. Knickmeyer et al 2008
What type of studies can be used to look at face recognition?
Benton face matching task. The Thatcher illusion (affects identity recognition and emotion recognition)
How does the face inversion effect support configural processing?
Inversion disrupts the processing of faces to a far greater extent than it disrupts the processing of other objects. The effect is thought to be due to the difficulty of processing the spatial relationship between features when face is inverted. Similar effects for recognition of identity and expression suggest similar/same underlying processing
Does configural or featural processing develop first according to infant studies?
Newborn infant vision is poor and cannot resolve individual features, therefore configural processing is used first
How does coding develop in infants?
Little development in featural condition (Jane task) but steep development in spacing condition. Development seems to involve better processing configuration
Is there a crucial period for configural coding?
Patients born with cataracts which were not removed until after infancy, then assessed on Jane test, found deficit in configural but not featural processing when tested as adults. Support for notion of critical period for configural processing development
What is the argument that featural processing is used first?
Young children are poorer at configural vs featural processing than adults, therefore featural used first, but this does not really inform about infant face processing
How does face processing develop?
4 days old can recognise mother from stranger (preferential looking). Older infants seem to lose this (Johnson et al 1991). Different face recognition mechanisms which might map onto Johnson’s notion of CONSPEC and CONLERN
What is CONSPEC?
Used from birth and then usage declines
What is CONLERN?
Present from birth and used in adulthood