emotional development and attachment lecture 4 Flashcards
WHAT IS THE 1ST STAGE in emotional development in infancy?
social smiles appears at 6-10 weeks
laughter 3-4months
early on, smiling as a reaction to stimuli
2nd year smiling becomes deliberate
WHAT IS THE 2nd STAGE in emotional development in infancy?
newborns show distress to hunger & pain
angry expressions increase 4-6 months
2 years onwards more complex reaction to wider situations
WHAT IS THE 3RD STAGE in emotional development in infancy?
increases from 6 months
main fear from stranger anxiety
depends on temperament/context
Motivation to keep close to caregiver
Adapts with experience & coping strategies
WHAT IS THE 4th STAGE in emotional development in infancy?
From 1 year, actively seek emotional information from others (look to environment for how to feel emotionally)
WHAT IS THE 5TH STAGE in emotional development in infancy?
self conscious emotions (higher order sense of feelings)
linked to sense of self
a clear sense of self develops from 18 months (shame, embarrassment)
3 years pride, guilt, envy
how do children self regulate their emotions at 4 months, 1 year and 2 years?
4 months- shift attention away from stressful situation
1 year- toddlers can crawl or walk away from stimuli
2 years- lang allows expression of feelings
middle childhood- how does emotion develop?
we integrate social expectations into emotions
cognitive understanding that we experience 2 emotions at once and that facial expression may not match the emotions felt
what is perspective taking?
- Same event can be interpreted with different emotions
- Imagining how someone else feels
(difficult for autistic people)
what is temperament? why is it important?
Individual differences in emotional reaction, activity level, attention, and emotional self-regulation.
linked to risk of behavioural problems
what did Thomas & Chess (1977) do?
studied infants
discovered 9 dimensions of behaviour that tended to cluster together
Clusters form 3 general types of temperament
type of temperament: 40% of children - easy
Cheerful, adaptive (not resistant to change), quick to establish routines
type of temperament: 10% difficult
- Negative, slow learner, irregular reactions to routines
- High risk for anxiety and aggression in later childhood
type of temperament: 15% slow to warm up
- Negative, adjusts slowly, mild reactions to stimuli
- Tend to be slow and fearful in later childhood
type of temperament: 35% unclassified
unique combinations of the nine characteristics
what are the 3 clusters of temperament according to Thomas and Chess?
easy (40%), difficult (10%), slow to warm up (15%)
What are the outcomes of these temperaments?
behavioural problems, cognitive performance and social behaviour
how do the temperaments affect behaviour?
difficult temperament. 70% developed problems in later childhood (only 17% of easy) –>thomas and chess