Emotional development Flashcards
What is attachment?
A two way emotional bond that provides a sense of security
Bowlby argued that both the infant and caregiver are genetically programmed to maintain what?
Separation from the infant and caregiver leads to what?
Separation anxiety
Who believed that mental health and behavioural problems can be caused by childhood problems
What is monotropy?
Monotropy suggests that there is one main attachment which is more important than the rest
Bowlby believed that disruption to the primary attachment could lead too….
Anti social behaviour
juvenile delinquency
emotional problems
What are the 2 early stages of attachment?
Pre attachment
Indiscriminate attachment
What happens during pre attachment at what age?
Babies cry for attention
The first 6 weeks
What age range is indiscriminate attachment and what happens
Between 3-7 months
Can recognise familiar and unfamiliar faces
Become more responsive to the primary caregiver
What is the initial stage of attachment and what age range?
Discriminate attachment
From 7-9 months
What happens during discriminate attachment?
Separation anxiety
Stranger fear
Begins too learn that a person exists even when there not there
What is the later stage of attachment called and what is the age range?
9 months +
Multiple attachments
What did Ainsworth do?
Ainsworth observed a number of 12-18 month old toddlers placed in a ‘strange situation’ too see there reactions
What is maternal deprivation
If the attachment is not made within two and half years of the infants life it can cause long lasting emotional damage in adulthood
Who said that babies are most likely too form attachments too the caregiver who responds too there signals?
Schaffer and Emerson
What is self concept
How you see yourself
What is self esteem
How much you like yourself
Positive factors effecting self esteem
Success at school