Emma Holliday for Surgery: Part IV Flashcards
Zenker’s Diverticulum pres and tx
Bad breath and snacks in the AM
Tx with surgery
Is Zenker’s a true diverticulum? Why?
False. Only has mucosa. True would be full thickness
Someone has dysphagia to liquids and solids? What do we do
Achalasia. Tx w/ CCB, nitrates, botox, or heller myotomy
Two things we associate with achalasia
Assoc w/ Chagas dz and esophageal cancer.
Dysphagia that is worse with hot or cold liquids or with chest pain that feels like an MI with NO regurg
Diffuse esophageal spasm. Treat with CCB or nitrates
Epigastric pain worse after
eating or when laying down
cough, wheeze, hoarse.
Most sensitive test is 24-hr pH monitoring.
Do endoscopy if “danger signs” present.
Tx w/ behav mod 1st, then antacids, H2 block, PPI.
GERD Indications for surgery?
bleeding, stricture, Barrett’s, incompetent LES, max dose PPI w/ still sxs, or no want meds.
When to suspect Boerhaave’s or Esophageal Rupture
If hematemesis (blood occurs after vomiting, w/ subQ emphysema). Can see pleural effusion w/ ↑amylase
Pt presents with hematemesis. Next?
CXR, gastrograffin esophagram. NO endoscopy
Tx? surgical repair if full thickness
Gastric Varices pres
If gross hematemesis unprovoked in a cirrhotic w/ pHTN.
Pt with hematemesis and hypovolemic shock
do ABCs, NG lavage, medical tx w/ octreotide or SS. Balloon tamponade only if you need to stablize for transport
Tx of choice for bad varices?
Endoscopic sclerotherapy or banding
*Don’t prophylactically band asymptomatic varices. Give BB.
If progressive dysphagia/wgt loss.
Esophageal carcinoma
Esophageal carcinoma, two types and how we know which is which
Squamous cell in smoker/drinkers in the middle 1/3.
Adeno in ppl with long standing GERD in the distal 1/3.
Best 1st test if you think esophageal cancer?
barium swallow, then endoscopy w/ bx, then staging CT.
Acid reflux pain after eating, when laying down
Hital hernia
Type 1 vs 2 hiatal hernia
Type 1: Sliding. GE jxn herniates into thorax. Worse for GERD. Tx sxs.
Type 2: Paraesophageal. Abd pain, obstruction, strangulation Tx with surgery
Gastric ulcer pres
Mid epigastric pain worse with eating. H.Pylori and NSAIDs and steroids big hitters on this.
Workup for potential gastric ulcer:
Double-contrast barium swallow-punched out lesion w/ reg margins.
EGD w/ bx can tell H. pylori, malign, benign.
Surgery if lesion persists after 12wks of treatment.
Most common gastric cancer
Adeno. Especially in Japan
Krukenberg tumor
Ovarian tumor often met from the stomach
Virchow’s nodes
L supraclavicular fossa, met from gastric
Lymphoma with gastric cancer
2/2 HIV
Blummer’s shelf mets
From gastric, feel on DRE
Sister Mary Joseph node
Umbilical node indicating mets
MALT-Lymphoma caused by
H Pylori
What is Mentrier’s Disease
protein losing enteropathy, enlarged rugae.
Gastric varices caused by:
Splenic vein thrombosis
massive hematemesis
mucosal artery erodes into stomach. It’ll poke it’s ugly head in and out, you’ll see a patient with repeated history of negative endos but has hematemesis randomly
If the mid epigastric pain improves with eating, what do we think?
Duodenal ulcer
How do we diagnose duodenal ulcers?
blood, stool or breath test for H. pylori but endoscopy w/ biopsy (CLO test) is best b/c it can also exclude cancer.
Tx for duodenal ulcers
PPI, clarithromycin & amoxicillin for 2wks. Breath or stool test can be test of cure.
Cause of duodenal ulcer
95% 2/2 H. Pylori
If you have that mid epigastric pain and are assuming duodenal ulcers but they don’t resolve, what could it be?
ZE syndrome.
Do a Secretin Stim Test (find inapprop high gastrin)
Treat with Surgical resection of pancreatic/duodenal tumor
A patient has bilious vomiting and post-prandial pain. Recently lost 200lbs on “Biggest Loser”.
SMA Syndrome
3rdpart of duodenum compressed by AA and SMA
Treat by restoring weight/nutrition. Can do Roux-en-Y
Most common causes of pancreatitis?
Gallstones and EtOH
How do we diagnose pancreatitis?
Increase amylase and lipase, CT is best imagine technique
Treatment of pancreatitis
NG suction, NPO, IV rehydration and observation
Bad prognostic factors for pancreatitis (9)
old WBC over 16K Glc over 200 LDH over 350 AST over 250 drop in HCT decr calcium acidosis hypox
Complications (4) for pancreatitis
pseudocyst (no cells!), hemorrhage, abscess, ARDs
Think chronic pancreatitis
How can chronic pancreatitis lead to gastric varices?
Can cause a splenic vein thrombosis leading to gastric varices
Adenocarcinoma in he head of the pancreas presents how
Courvoisier’s sign: Large non-tender GB, itching, jaundice
Trousseau’s sign
Migratory thrombophlebitis linked to pancreatic cancer
Diagnosing pancreatic cancer
EUS and FNA bx
When do we treat pancreatic cancer with a Whipple?
thrombophlebitisoutside abdomen, no extension into SMA or portal vein, no liver mets, no peritoineal mets.
How does an insulinoma present?
sxs (sweat, tremors, hunger, seizures) + BGL
Presentation of glucagonoma
Hyperglycemia, diarrhea, weight-loss
Characteristic rash of glucagonoma?
necrolytic migratory erythema
Presentation of a somatistatinoma
Commonly malignant. see malabsorption, steatorrhea, ectfrom exocrine pancreas malfxn
Presentation of a VIPoma
Watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, dehydration, flushing.
Looks very similar to a carcinoid tumor
Treat VIPoma?
Presentation of Acute cholecystitis
- RUQ pain to the back
- N/V
- Fever
- Worse with fatty foods
Best diagnosis and tx for acute cholecystitis
U/S and treat with cholecystectomy. If unstable, do a percutaneous cholecystostomy
Choledocolithiasis presentation
- RUQ pain
- High bili
- Alk Phos
Dx/Tx for choledoco
U/S will show CBD stone
Treat with Chole +/- ERCP to remove stone
Pres for ascending cholangitis
- RUQ pain
- Fever
- Jaundice
- Low BP
Tx for ascending cholangitis
Fluids and broad spectrum Abx.ERCP and stone removal
Type 1 vs Type 5 choledochal cysts
1: Fusiform dilation of the CBD, treat with excision
5: Caroli’s Disease. Cysts in the intrahepatic ducts. Need a liver transplant
Cholangiocarcinoma is super rare. What puts someone at risk?
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (UC), liver flukes and thorothrast exposure.
Tx w/ surgery +/-radiation.