Emergency situations Flashcards
What is the minimum tread depth of your tires?
1/16 inch
How far should a pedal reach when braking? How should it feel?
No more than halfway to the floor and feel like hitting something hard
Spongy = air bubbles in brake line
Pedal reaches down past 10s = leak in braking system
How often should all exterior lights of your car be checked?
How often should wiper blades be checked?
Once a year
What do you do in event of a blowout?
Grip wheel Steer straight Ease on accelerator DO NOT BRAKE Pull off road
What is a common cause of blowouts?
Under-inflated tires
Check tires for air*
What should you do if your brakes fail?
Pump brakes quickly
Shift into lower gear
Slow and stop off roadway (honk or flash lights to warn others)
Use parking brake and hold brake release so you can ease on brake if rear wheels lock and skid
How can you prevent overheating your engine in slow moving traffic?
Shift into neutral
Race engine briefly during stops (speeds up fan and water pump)
Warning light –> pull off road and turn engine off
Wait until engine is cool to remove radiator cap
What should you do in event of a skid?
DO NOT BRAKE unless you will hit something Take foot off gas Turn wheel in direction of skid Turn wheels in direction you snag Straighten wheels
If your gas pedal sticks, what should you do?
Focus on steering Free pedal with foot Or push clutch in or shift into neutral Brake and stop at safest place Turn engine off
Of you run off the road:
Grip wheel Stay on shoulder Ease off accelerator Brake gently and slowly Once slowed, check behind and ahead traffic Turn wheels sharply onto pavement Turn wheels the other way
If your steering fails:
Ease on accelerator
Gently apply brakes after slowing if car remains lane
Apply brakes quickly w/ max pressure if veering off road or toward person or car
If your headlights fail:
If highway is lit, get onto shoulder or other space
If highway is dark, use parking lights, directional signals, emergency flashers and get off roadway
If all lights fail, stay on roadway and slow down to pull off roadway
If you have a fire in the car:
Smoke under hood- get off roadway and turn off engine
Use chemical fire extinguisher or dirt/sand to smother fire (DON’T USE WATER)
If fire gets out of control–> move min 100 ft away
If an approaching car is in your lane:
Move right
Slow down
Honk or flash lights
Don’t turn into the lame they have left in case they realize they’re in the wrong lane
If your car stalls on railroad tracks:
Look both ways for trains
If no train’s coming: low gear and use starter to move off tracks
If train’s coming: get out and run along side of the tracks to avoid getting hit by debris
If your oil pressure light comes on:
Get car off road
Turn off engine
Check engine oil level and add oil if needed
If your battery dies:
Take off vent caps from both batteries
Put cloth over open vent wells
Turn off lights, heater, a/c, radio
Connect positive post of dead to positive post of live
Connect negative post of live to engine block or frame of dead car
Start live car and run for minutes
Start dead car
Take off jumper cables in opposite order
Replace vent caps
First aid in order:
Control bleeding
Restore breathing
Treat for shock
Protect broken bones
If in an accident:
Turn off engine
Protect scene with flares, flag man, etc
Don’t move injured
Send for aid
Keep spectators away
Notify law if death/injury person/property >$500
Exchange info (name, address, license plate, driver’s license #, car insurance)