Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Engine Malfunction in Flight
2 x W
- Control Nr
- CONTGCY PWR switch - On
- Single-engine conditions—Establish.
- ENG ANTI-ICE switches—As required.
- External cargo/stores/fuel—Jettison dump, as required.
- Identify malfunction.
W= 110% torque
W= Engine anti ice
Engine High Side Failure in Flight
1 x C
3 x N
1.Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure — Perform.
2. PCL (malfunctioning engine)—Retard to set:
a. Torque 10% below good engine, or
b. Matched Ng, or
c. Matched TGT.
C = Np overspeed
N = High collective
N = Ng is a highly reliable signal
N = Torque signal may drop off
Engine High Side Failure on Deck
Engine Low Side Failure
1 x A
- Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
A = controlling engine in LOCKOUT
ID =
1. TRQ is 10% below good engine
2. Ng is 5% or less than good engine
3. Np is at or below 98%
4. Nr is at or below 97%
Engine Torque or TGT Spiking/Fluctuations
1 x W
If an engine instrument is spiking/fluctuating and inducing secondary indications in Ng, Np, and/or Nr:
1. Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure —Perform.
If fuel contamination is suspected:
2. Land as soon as possible.
W = PCL movement
Compressor Stall
1 x C
- Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
- PCL (malfunctioning engine) - IDLE
C = Ng Decay Relight feature
Engine High Speed Shaft Failure
1 x C
1 x N
- Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
- PCL (malfunctioning engine) - OFF.
C = engine will overspeed
N = Np sensor unreliable
Abort Start
1 x C
5 x Indications
To abort start:
1. PCL - OFF.
If engine oil pressure is indicated:
3. Starter - Engage.
C = failure to secure fuel flow
1. Ng does not reach 14% within 6 seconds after starter initiation.
2. No oil pressure within 30 seconds after starter initiation (do not motor engine).
3. No light-off within 30 seconds after moving PCL to IDLE.
4. ENG Starter advisory disappears before reaching 52% Ng.
5. TGT is likely to exceed 851°C before idle speed is attained.
Engine Malfunction During Hover/Takeoff
- Control Nr
- CONTGCY PWR switch - ON.
If a suitable landing exists or unable to transition to forward flight: - Set level attitude, eliminate drift, cushion landing.
If able to transition to forward flight: - Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
Dual Engine Failure
- Autorotation - Establish.
- Immediate landing/ditching emergency procedure - Perform.
If time and altitude permit: - Emergency air restart emergency procedure - Perform.
Single Engine Failure in Flight
1 x Advisory about ENG OUT light
- Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
Advisory = Warning light is activated by the vertical instrument when Ng decreases below 55%. In the event of an isolated Ng signal failure, the ENG OUT light will be illuminated with the engine operating normally.
Engine Air Restart
1 x W
1 x C
1 x N
- APU emergency start procedure - As required.
- Fuel selector lever(s) - DIR or XFD.
- PCL(s) - OFF.
- Starter(s) - Engage, motor engine.
- PCL(s) - IDLE (TGT 80°C or less, if time permits)
- PCL(s) - Advance to FLY after starter dropout.
W = APU unavailable
C = crossbreed starts
N = single or dual engine starts
APU emergency start
- ECS - OFF.
- FUEL PUMP switch - APU boost.
- APU CTRL switch - ON.
- APU GENERATOR switch - ON.
Unusual Vibrations on Deck
1 x C
- Collective - Lower.
- PCLs - OFF.
- Rotor brake - Apply as required.
C = lead/lag tendencies
Hung Droop Stops
1 x N
- Re-engage rotor to greater than 70% Nr.
N = Consider turning blade de-ice on
Low Rotor RPM Warning
1 x Advisory
- Control Nr.
Advisory = Warning light is activated by the vertical instrument when Nr is less than 96%.
Main Transmission Malfunction
2 x W
3 x N
If failure imminent:
1. Land immediately.
If secondary indications are present:
2. Land as soon as possible.
W = possible indications of imminent failure
W = operating main gearbox with no oil
N = Consider applicable steps of immediate landing/ditching
N = loss of oil = unreliable temperature indications
N = continued operations in precautionary range
Tail/Intermediate Transmission Malfunction
2 x W
If failure is imminent:
1. Land immediately.
If failure is not imminent:
2. Land as soon as possible.
W = high power settings
W = transit at altitude to enter autorotation and…
(#1/2) Input Chip Caution
1x N
- Main Transmission Malfunction emergency procedure - Perform.
N = Consider returning PCL to FLY
Loss of Tail Rotor Drive Altitude and Airspeed Sufficient to Enter Autorotation
1 x W
1 x Advisory
- PAC calls “Auto, auto, auto.”
- Autorotation - Establish, center tail rotor pedals.
- Drive failure - attempt to verify.
- Immediate landing/ditching emergency procedure - Perform.
- PCLs - OFF when directed (prior to the flare).
W = altitude hold
Advisory = attempt to verify rotation as loss of drive rather than flight control jam or boost hardover
Loss of Tail Rotor Drive Altitude and Airspeed Not Sufficient to Establish Autorotation
1 x C
- PAC calls “hover, hover, hover.”
- Collective - Lower.
- PNAC - Hands on PCLs.
- PCLs - OFF when directed (approximately 20-30ft)
C = Altitude may have to be adjusted
Loss of Tail Rotor Control
5 x W
1 x N
- Collective/Airspeed - Adjust as required to control yaw.
W = servo hardover
W = appearance of #1 tail rotor servo caution
W = after touchdown
W = right yaw, too low airspeed
W = tail rotor cables damaged
N = momentary uncommanded right yaw
Tail Rotor Quadrant Caution
1 x C
- Check for tail rotor control.
If tail rotor control is not available: - Loss of Tail Rotor Control emergency procedure - Perform.
C = if helo is shutdown or hydraulic power removed
Hydraulic System Warning
- Land immediately.
1 and #2 HYD Pump Failure
- Restrict flight control movement.
- Land as soon as possible.
1 Primary Servo or #1 Transfer Module Leak
1 x W
1 x N
- Servo switch - 1st OFF.
- Land as soon as practicable.
If the BACKUP RSVR LOW CAUTION appears or the backup pump fails: - Land as soon as possible.
If the #2 PRI SERVO CAUTION and/or HYD warning appear: - Land immediately.
W = failure to ensure backup pump on or auto
N = be prepared for loss of tail rotor control
2 Primary Servo or #2 Transfer Module Leak
2 x N
- Servo switch - 2nd OFF.
- Land as soon as practicable.
If the BACKUP RSVR LOW CAUTION appears or the backup pump fails: - Land as soon as possible.
If the #1 PRI SERVO CAUTION and/or HYD warning appear: - Land immediately.
N = Failure to ensure back up pump on/auto
N = be prepared for loss of pilot assist servos
Boost Servo Hardover
2 x C
- PAC calls “ boost, boost, boost.”
- SAS/BOOST pushbutton - OFF.
C = up to 75lbs left pedal
C = landings on single spot ships should…
Utility Pump Caution
1 x C
- Stop dome.
C = utility pump with low or no hydraulic fluid
AFCS Degraded caution
1 X N
- Safe altitude and airspeed - establish (waveoff/ITO as required)
N = if caution appears during night/imc
Stabilator Auto Mode Malfunction
4 x W
1 x N
- PAC calls “stab, stab, stab.”
- Cyclic - arrest pitch rate.
- Collective - do not reduce.
- MAN SLEW switch - slew to 0°
W = fail without illumination
W = if accelerated flight is continued
W = with stabilator fixed at or near 0*
W = high airspeed/low altitude
N = In Manual mode the following are not recommended:
Swimmer deployment lower than 15’
Night takeoffs, approaches, and landings (except one-time following failure)
Automatic approaches to a hover
Simulated EPs including practice autos
Flight in known IMC
Stab/Airspeed limits:
0* - 150kias
10* - 100kias
20* - 80kias
30* - 60kias
40* - 45kias
Unusual Attitude Recovery
- Level the wings.
- Nose on horizon.
- Center the ball.
- Stop rate of climb or descent.
- Control airspeed.
Electrical Power Failure/Dual Generator Failure
2 x W
2 x N
- Safe altitude and airspeed - establish.
- Stabilator - Check position, slew as required.
- APU emergency start procedure - Perform.
W = exceeding airspeed vs stab angle
W = loss of electrical power, engine anti ice
N = capability to manual slew stab
N = stab position indicator
1 OR #2 Fuel Filter Bypass or Pressure Caution
1 x W
- Fuel selector lever (affected engine) - XFD (DIR if currently in XFD)
W = intermittent fuel pressure caution
1 AND #2 Fuel Filter Bypass or Pressure Cautions
2 x W
1 x N
- Land as soon as possible.
- APU emergency start procedure - Perform.
W = Be prepared dual engine failure
W = intermittent fuel pressure caution
N = Consider applicable steps
Refueling Hose Jettison (HIFR)
1 x W
- T-Handle - Pull (if applicable)
- Hose status - Report.
If hose fails to break away: - Quickly disengage the nozzle and grounding wire, then cut the hoist cable
W = hose snap back on breakaway may impact the aircrewman depending on direction of aircraft motion
External Engine Fire
1 x N
- Confirm fire.
- Engine Malfunction in Flight emergency procedure - Perform.
- PCL (affected engine) - OFF.
- Engine T-Handle (affected engine) - Pull.
- FIRE EXTGH switch - MAIN (RESERVE if required or AC power is off)
If airborne and fire continues: - Land immediately.
If fire appears extinguished: - Land as soon as possible.
N = HF transmissions and sunlight filtered
Internal Engine Fire
- Starter - Engage. Motor engine.
Indication = Rise in TGT above 540 after shutdown
APU Fire
1 x N
- APU T-Handle - Pull.
- Confirm fire.
- FIRE EXTGH switch - RESERVE (MAIN if required and available)
If airborne and fire continues: - Land immediately.
If fire appears extinguished: - Land as soon as possible.
If on ground: - Fire extinguisher - As required.
N = HF transmissions and sunlight filtered
Cockpit Fire/Cabin Fire
4 x W
1 x C
1 x N
If source is known:
1. Affected power switches and cbs - OFF/Pull.
2. Portable fire extinguisher - As required.
If fire continues or source is unknown:
3. Cabin/doors/vents/ECS - CLOSE/OFF as required.
4. Unnecessary electrical equipment and cbs - OFF/pull.
If fire continues:
5. Land as soon as possible.
W = Severity of fire
W = vapors from fire extinguisher
W = may not be advisable to secure electrical power
W = loss of electrical power, engine anti ice
C = if source unknown, mission power
N = diag page
Smoke and Fumes Elimination
- Airspeed - Adjust, as required.
- Doors/windows/vents - Open.
- Aircraft - Yaw, as required.
Immediate Landing/Ditching
3 x W
- Crew and passengers - Alert.
- Shoulder harness - Locked.
- External cargo/stores/fuel - Jettison/dump, as required.
- Searchlight - As required.
Time permitting, consideration should be given to executing APU Emergency Start procedure to maintain electrical and hydraulic power upon rotor disengagement
In the flare: - Windows - Jettison, as required.
After landing: - PCLs - OFF
- Rotor brake - On.
- Copilot collective - Stow.
- Pilot HCU - Stow.
After all violent motion stops: - Egress.
W = stores jettisoned
W = position of emergency jettison window lever
W = failure to remain strapped
Underwater Egress
5 x W
- Emergency breathing device - As required.
- Cord(s) - Disconnect.
- Door/window - Open/Jettison.
- Place hand on known reference point.
- Harness - Release.
- Exit helicopter.
After egress: - Swim clear and inflate LPU.
W = downward stroke of seat
W = do not inflate LPU
W = water pressure
W = failure to disconnect ICS
W = entanglement or disorientation
Cargo Hook Emergency Release
1 x W
1 x C
- Cyclic EMER REL - Press.
W = use of EMER REL may cause injury to crewmembers. Ensure all crewmembers are clear of cargo hook area prior to activating the emergency release button.
C = pressing cyclic EMER REL pushbutton with SONAR, CARGO HOOK, RSQ HOIST, and RAST MASTER on will fire the respective CADs.
Dual EGI Failure
1 x W
- Backup instruments - Scan, as required.
- # 1 and #2 EGI PWR switches - OFF, then ON.
W = Altitude changes of +/- 40ft may occur
MTS Uncommanded Lasing
If lasing continues: - FLIR bezel key > +FLIR OFF - Select
Hellfire Missile Hangfire
1 x W
1 x C
2 x N
If rocket motor ignites and aircraft yaws:
1. Adjust controls as required to maintain straight and level flight.
W = hellfire Missile thermal battery produces voltage up to 30 minutes after squib is automatically fired during launch sequence. Aircraft should remain airborne with missile pointed in a safe direction for a minimum of 30 minutes.
C = personnel shouldn’t handle hung ordnance for at least 30minutes after attempted launch
N = normal rocket burn is 3 seconds. Motor failure may cause slow burn or smolder and smoke for longer than 3 seconds.
N = if motor squibs don’t fire after 1.5 seconds, the Safe and Arm device will automatically return to Safe position.
All Stores Jettison
1 x W
10 x N
W = A PIU fault or failure with stores/ordnance on the corresponding weapons station may result in uncommanded jettison of that station’s stores/ordnance
N = total electrical failure, all stores jettison unavailable
N = weight on wheels, all stores jettison unavailable
N = operates regardless of MASTER ARM position
N = pylon loaded weapons are disarmed before jettison
N = aux tanks jettison inhibited when <40 gallons ~272lbs
N = minimum of 1100psi to jettison all sonobuoys
N = does not jettison CMDS stores, only via selective jettison
N = operates normally in SIM mode
N = successful jettison indicated by stores being removed from ORD CTRL page
N = sonobuoy table will not update following jettison