Emergency Procedures Flashcards
What is the Horn switch used for?
On the console, a HORN switch is used to activate the audio warning.
When HORN switch is set to ON: HORN light goes out
When is a Gong generated?
A gong is generated each time a red warning appears on the CWP
Explain the continuous tones:
Two continuous tones can be heard:
– a 310 Hz tone when Nr is below 360 rpm
– a 285 Hz tone when max. takeoff rating is exceeded
— After 1.5 sec. delay if power remains within transient range
— Immediately when max. transient rating is or will be exceeded during fast power increase
- Collective pitch - REDUCE to maintain Nr in normal operating range or power within limits.
- Engine parameters - CHECK
Explain the intermittent tone:
- An intermittent tone (310 Hz) is heard when the Nr is above 410 rpm
1. Collective pitch - Increase to maintain Nr in normal operating range
2. Apply procedure according to situation
What is the autorotation procedure over land after an engine flame-out?
- Collective pitch - REDUCE to maintain Nr in normal operating range
- IAS - SET to 65 kts
- If relighting impossible or after loss of tail rotor thrust - Twist grip - IDLE position
- Maneuver the aircraft into wind on final approach
- At height + 70 ft - Cyclic stick - FLARE
- At 20/25 and at constant attitude - Collective pitch - GRADUALLY INCREASE to reduce the rate of descent and forward speed
- Cyclic - FORWARD to adopt a slightly nose-up landing attitude (<10degrees)
- Pedals - ADJUST to cancel any side slip tendency
- Collective pitch - INCREASE to cushion touch-down
- After touch-down - Cyclic, collective, pedals - ADJUST to control ground run
- Once the a/c has stopped - Collective pitch - FULL LOW PITCH
- Rotor brake - APPLY below 170 rpm
Explain the autorotation procedure over water:
Apply the same procedure as over land, except items 10, 11, and 12, but maneuver to head a/c equally between the wind and wave direction on final approach. Ditch with minimum forward speed (IAS < 30 kts) and rate of descent. Then apply:
10. Collective pitch - MAINTAIN
11. Doors jettison handles - PULL-UP
12. Rotor brake - APPLY
Abandon a/c once rotor has stopped
What is the procedure for engine failure in a hover IGE?
- Collective - MAINTAIN
- Pedals - CONTROL YAW
- Collective - INCREASE as needed to cushion touch-down
What is the procedure for engine failure in a hover OGE?
- Collective pitch - FULL LOW PITCH
- When Nr stops decreasing - Cyclic - FORWARD to gain airspeed according to height available
- Autorotation procedure - APPLY
What is the procedure for engine re-lighting?
What are the symptoms for a complete loss of tail rotor thrust?
The helicopter will yaw to the left with a rotational speed depending on the amount of power and the forward speed set at the time of the failure
What is the procedure for a complete loss of tail rotor thrust in a hover IGE (or OGE within HV diagram)?
What is the procedure for a complete loss of tail rotor thrust in a hover OGE (Clear area, outside HV diagram)?
What is the procedure for a complete loss of tail rotor thrust in cruise flight?
Approach and landing
- On a suitable area for autorotative landing:
1. Twist grip - IDLE position
2. Carry out an autorotative landing
What are the symptoms of a loss of tail rotor control?
- Jamming of pedals or loss of effectiveness of the pedals
- These conditions make it impossible to control tail rotor thrust with the pedals
What is the procedure for a loss of tail rotor control?
- Cyclic and collective - Adjust to set IAS to 70 kts
- Hydraulic cut-off switch (collective) - OFF
- [ACCU TST] - Press for 2 sec. (load compensator depressurizes)
On a suitable area for a running landing procedure:
- Make a shallow approach with a slight left sideslip
- Perform a running landing, the sideslip will be reduced progressively as airspeed is reduced and collective is applied to cushion the landing
What is the procedure for a yaw servo slide-valve seizure in hover?
What is the procedure for a yaw servo slide-valve seizure in cruise flight?
What is the procedure for a HYD1 or HYD2 light with a SERVO light?
What is the procedure for a SERVO light?
What is the procedure for a LIMIT light?
What is the procedure for smoke in the cabin with the source not identified?
What is the procedure for smoke in the cabin with the source identified?