Emergency Procedures Flashcards
What is the Horn switch used for?
On the console, a HORN switch is used to activate the audio warning.
When HORN switch is set to ON: HORN light goes out
When is a Gong generated?
A gong is generated each time a red warning appears on the CWP
Explain the continuous tones:
Two continuous tones can be heard:
– a 310 Hz tone when Nr is below 360 rpm
– a 285 Hz tone when max. takeoff rating is exceeded
— After 1.5 sec. delay if power remains within transient range
— Immediately when max. transient rating is or will be exceeded during fast power increase
- Collective pitch - REDUCE to maintain Nr in normal operating range or power within limits.
- Engine parameters - CHECK
Explain the intermittent tone:
- An intermittent tone (310 Hz) is heard when the Nr is above 410 rpm
1. Collective pitch - Increase to maintain Nr in normal operating range
2. Apply procedure according to situation
What is the autorotation procedure over land after an engine flame-out?
- Collective pitch - REDUCE to maintain Nr in normal operating range
- IAS - SET to 65 kts
- If relighting impossible or after loss of tail rotor thrust - FFCL - OFF detent
Time, height and circumstances permitting:
- Fuel shutoff cock - OFF
- BATT - EMER SHED - Maneuver the aircraft into wind on final approach
- At height + 70 ft - Cyclic stick - FLARE
- At 20/25 and at constant attitude - Collective pitch - GRADUALLY INCREASE to reduce the rate of descent and forward speed
- Cyclic - FORWARD to adopt a slightly nose-up landing attitude (<10degrees)
- Pedals - ADJUST to cancel any side slip tendency
- Collective pitch - INCREASE to cushion touch-down
- After touch-down - Cyclic, collective, pedals - ADJUST to control ground run
- Once the a/c has stopped - Collective pitch - FULL LOW PITCH
- Rotor brake - APPLY below 170 rpm
Explain the autorotation procedure over water:
Apply the same procedure as over land, except items 10, 11, and 12, but maneuver to head a/c equally between the wind and wave direction on final approach. Ditch with minimum forward speed (IAS < 30 kts) and rate of descent. Then apply:
10. Collective pitch - MAINTAIN
11. Doors jettison handles - PULL-UP
12. Rotor brake - APPLY
Abandon a/c once rotor has stopped
What is the procedure for engine failure in a hover IGE?
- Collective - MAINTAIN
- Pedals - CONTROL YAW
- Collective - INCREASE as needed to cushion touch-down
What is the procedure for engine failure in a hover OGE?
- Collective pitch - FULL LOW PITCH
- When Nr stops decreasing - Cyclic - FORWARD to gain airspeed according to height available
- Autorotation procedure - APPLY
Explain the procedure for engine relighting:
According to available height and cause of flameout
2. Ng - WAIT Ng<30% before carrying out a normal engine starting
- At least 1000 ft are necessary to complete relighting procedure after flame-out
What are the symptoms of a governor failure with Nr drop?
Same as for a complete engine failure but after a few seconds, Ng stabilizes at a low rpm value (less than 70%)
What is the procedure for governor failure with Nr drop in cruise flight?
What is the procedure for governor failure with Nr drop in a hover IGE?
What is the procedure for governor failure with Nr drop in a hover OGE?
What is the procedure for governor failure with Nr Increase?
What are the symptoms of a governor failure resulting in SURGING?
Surging is evidenced by hunting of the Ng, Tq, T4 indications and jerks in the yaw axis
What is the procedure for governor failure with SURGING?
What are the symptoms of a complete loss of tail rotor thrust?
The helicopter will yaw to the left with a rotation speed depending on the amount of power and the forward speed set at the time of the failure
What is the procedure for a complete loss of tail rotor thrust in a hover IGE (or OGE within the HV diagram)?
What is the procedure for a complete loss of tail rotor thrust in a hover OGE (Clear area, outside the HV diagram)?
What is the procedure for a complete loss of tail rotor thrust in cruise flight?
- Approach and landing
1. Carry out an autorotative landing according to the autorotation procedure
2. During descent FFCL - REDUCE
What are the symptoms of a loss of tail rotor control?
Jamming of pedals or pedals effectiveness loss. These conditions induce an inability to change the tail rotor thrust with the pedals
When airspeed is less than 20 kts and particularly near to the ground, go-around may be impossible due to the loss of the vertical fin efficiency
What is the procedure for a loss of tail rotor control?
- Cyclic and collective - ADJUST to set IAS to 70 kts in level flight
- ACCU TST - PRESS, tail rotor load compensator depressurizes
- After 5 sec: - ACCU TST - RESET to OFF position
- Make a shallow approach with a slight left sideslip. Perform a running landing. The sideslip will be reduced progressively as airspeed is reduced and collective is applied to cushion the landing
- Landing is made easier with a RH wind component
What is the procedure for smoke in the cockpit where the source is not identified?
What is the procedure for smoke in the cockpit where the source is identified?
- Corresponding system - OFF
- Ventilate the cabin
CONTINUE FLIGHT depending on system failed
What is the procedure for smoke in the cockpit after cockpit fire extinguisher use?
- avoid as much as possible extinguisher agent inhalation
- Ventilate the cabin
What is the procedure for failure of 1 VEMD screen?
OFF1 or OFF2 - OFF
- Read all info on the other screen
- Info is available using the SCROLL pushbutton either on the VEMD or on the collective grip
- If the top screen fails, the 3-parameter engine page will be automatically displayed on the lower screen
What is the procedure for failure of both VEMD screens?
To avoid any power overlimit, the max. authorized power will be the power needed to establish level flight with the following law:
IAS kts = 100 kts - 2 kts/1000 ft
Carry out a no-hover landing