Emergency Notes, Warnings and Cautions Flashcards
Warning x 4 for EJECTION CHECKS
- The Canopy must be closed and locked before ejecting
- Notify the other occupant as soon as possible.
- Make a conscious effort to adopt the correct ejections posture
- Simultaneous ejection of both seats is inadvisable as seat entaglement could occur. The aircraft captain should order and wait for the other occupant to eject when operating with the ISS selector INDEPENDENT
Correct Ejection Posture
- Buttocks well back in seat
- Back pressed firmly against the seat back and sitting as straight as possible.
- Press head firmly against headpad
- Eyes closed.
- Legs forward with feet touching the rudder pedals to ensure optimum thigh support.
- Grip the ejection handle with the preferred hand. Use the other hand to grip the wrist of the pulling hand to prevent flailing at high speeds.
Ejection Checks
Carry out as many of the following checks as time permits.
- Seat Harness ….. Secured and Locked
- PSP …………………. Connected
- Helmet ……………. Visors down, chin strap secured.
- Seat Pin ………….. Removed
- Location …………. Suitable
- Height …………….. Ideally 2000ft AGL
- Airspeed …………. 150-250KIAS
- Trim …………………. 1/3 aileron trim
- Attitude …………… Wings Level, climbing
Note associated with Ejection Checks
- Leave the PCL at FUEL OFF if the engine has been shut down.
Warning Associated with Emergency Eggress on the ground
Eject if circumstances dictate; however, do not attempt to eject if:
- The occupants are not correctly strapped in.
- The canopy is not closed and locked
- The front cockpit CFS pin and seat pin, or rear cockpit seat pin when the seat is occupied is not removed.
Caution associated with Emergency Landing Checks
Anti-skid is inoperative when the main hydraulic system is nor operating. Apply brakes carefully with anti-skid inoperative.
Notes x 3 associated with Emergency Landing Checks
- Do not check brakes after the emergency landing gear extension in order to preserve emergency hydraulic pressure for flaps extension and emergency powered braking after landing.
- Emergency powered braking may be limited after landing.
- The normal hydraulic system is disabled when the emergency landing gear handle is pulled. You will lose
. Normal landing Gear Operation
. Normal powered braking
. Anti-skid
. Normal flaps operation
. Roll Spoilers
. Powered aileron system
. Airbrake
Note Associated with Engine Fire Or Smoke And Fumes - On Ground
The DWP and MFD FIRE warnings indicate engine fire. Smoke or fumes may exist without DWP and MFD FIRE indications.
Warning Associated with Engine Fire Or Smoke And Fumes - On Ground
Activating the EO2 may lead to pure oxygen flowing into the cockpit during egress. However, operate the EO2 if incapacitation due to fumes is assessed to be a greater risk
Caution x 2 Associated with Engine Fire Or Smoke And Fumes - On Ground
- Anti-skid is inoperative when the main hydraulic system is not operating (eg engine shutdown). Apply brakes carefully with anti-skid inoperative.
- Normal powered braking is not available when the main hydraulic system is not operating. Manual Braking requires higher than normal brake pedal pressure and travel for efficient braking.
Note associated with Engine Fire - In Flight
The DWP and MFD FIRE indcate engine fire. Smoke of fumes may exist without DWP and MFD FIRE indications
Warning Associated with Engine Fire - In Flight
Monitor EO2 contents and descend to a safe altitude before EO2 is exhausted.
Caution Associated with Engine Fire - In Flight
Observe engine limits manually and avoid rapid power changes with the PMS in manual mode.
Warning x 3 Associated with Smoke Or Fumes In The Cockpit - In Flight
- Monitor EO2 contents and descent to a safe altitude before EO2 is exhausted
- Land as soon as possible following smoke or fumes in the cockpit
- Ensure the occupants are wearing gloves, and mask and visors are down prior to operating the MDC handle.
Note x 4 Associated with Smoke or Fumes in the cockpit - In Flight
- The overpressure of breathing gas in the
oxygen mask should not permit cockpit air
to contaminate the breathing gas. Conduct
the Smoke Or Fumes In The Cockpit – In
Flight procedure if fumes are present in the
oxygen mask. - As engine bleed air is used to pressurise
the cockpit (P2.5 and P3 air) and to supply
the OBOGS (P3 air), fumes in the engine
compartment may be present as fumes in
the cockpit or mask. - If the source of the smoke or fumes can
be identified positively originating from a
specific cockpit system (eg smoking FMS or
HUD), consider selecting the specific system
to off and cabin pressure to RAM, to ensure
continuing oxygen supply from the OBOGS
and preserve EO2 contents. Conduct the
full Smoke Or Fumes In The Cockpit – In
Flight checklist if there is any doubt as to the
source of the smoke or fumes. - The SFD will be the only remaining functional
electrical service with the batteries and
generators off. It will operate for at least
30 minutes on a fully charged emergency
battery. NAV 1 will not operate.
Warning x1 Associated with Aborted Take-Off
Eject if there is likely risk of collision
Caution x2 Associated with Aborted Take-Off
- Anti-skid is inoperative when the main
hydraulic system is not operating (eg
following engine shutdown or failure). Apply
brakes carefully with anti-skid inoperative. - Normal powered braking is not available
when the main hydraulic system is not
• Manual braking requires higher than
normal brake pedal pressure and travel
for efficient braking
• Release the brakes and pull the
emergency landing gear handle if
emergency powered braking is required
Warning x1 Associated with Engine Failure After Take-off
Delaying ejection in a futile attempt to restart
the engine, recover controlled flight or reach
an aerodrome may place the aircraft in
marginal conditions for safe ejection. Eject
if unable to carry out a forced landing safely
Warning Associated with Engine Mechanical Failure
Monitor EO2 contents and descend to safe
altitude before EO2 is exhausted.
Warning Associated with Engine Flamout
Monitor EO2 contents and descend to safe
altitude before EO2 is exhausted.
Caution Associated with Engine Flameout
Minimise power changes following engine
Indiciations of an Engine Flameout
• Loss of power • ITT below 400°C • NG decreasing below 80% with PMS in automatic mode and 70% with PMS in manual mode
Warning Associated with Engine Surge
Monitor EO2 contents and descend to safe
altitude before EO2 is exhausted
Caution x2 Associated with Engine Surge
- Minimize power cvhanges following engine surge.
2. Observe engine limitations manually and avoid rapid power changes with the PMS in manual mode.
Note Associated with Engine Surge
The maximum permitted torque is 2850 ft lb
(67.5%) with the PMS in manual mode.
indications of an Engine Surge
• Loss of power
• ITT excessively high or fluctuating
• Unusual engine noise (popping or
Caution x2 Associate with PMS Failure
- Observe engine limits manually and avoid rapid power changes with the PMS in manual mode.
- Attempt PMS reset once only.
Caution x3 Associated with Propeller Speed
- Continue flight at low speed using minimum practical power.
- Monitor the engine for indications of mechanical failure.
- Maximum torque is 2000 ft lb with NP < 1000 RPM
Caution Associated with Engine Temp - In Flight
Low ITT may indicate engine flameout
Warning Associated with Engine Temp - In Flight
Monitor EO2 contents and descend to safe altitude before EO2 is exhausted
Caution Associated with Engine Speed Checklist
Low NG may indicate engine flameout
Warning Associated with Engine Speed Checklist
Monitor EO2 contents and descend to safe altitude before EO2 is exhausted
Note x 3 Associated with oil Pressure Out of Limits
- oil pressure may be as low as 40psi during aerobatics if recovery is within 20second.
- Manoeuvres which cause the oil pressure to exceed permitted limits should be avoided.
- Verify oil pressure under positive g.
Note Associated with Oil Temp High - On Ground
Increasing engine NG above IDLE setting may reduce oil temperature by increasing the airflow through the oil cooler.
Caution x3 Associated with Metal Particles detected in gearbox
- Minimise power changes with CHIP indicated.
- Monitor the engine for signs of mechnical failure.
- Shut down the engine as soon as possible after landing.
Caution Associated with Uncommanded power changes
Observe engine limitations manually and avoid rapid power changes with the PMS in manual mode
Note Associated with Uncommanded power changes
The maximum permitted torque is 2850 ft-lb (67.5%) with the PMS in manual mode.
General Oxygen System Warning
Monitor EO2 contents and descend to safe altitude before EO2 is exhausted
General Oxygen System Note x 2
- Control rate and depth of breathing when using EO2 to maximise during and avoid hyperventilating when using 100% oxygen
- Monitor the MFD ECS page cockpit pressuration status with OBOGS inoperative.
Note Associated with OXYGEN OFF (BOTH COCKPITS)
Consider aircraft fuel state, fuel required to reach a landing aerodrome, and EO2 remaining.
Note x 2 Associated with OBOGS Failure
- OBOGS excessive pressure supply to the pilot mask may occur without any DWP or MFD alerts. Perform the OBOGS FAILURE checks if excessive pressure is making it difficult to breathe.
- Consider aircraft fuel state, fuel required to reach a landing aerodrome, and EO2 remaining.
Consider aircraft fuel state, fuel required to reach a landing aerodrome, and EO2 remaining.
Note x 3 Associated with OXY FLOW WARNING
- Check the flow indicators to identify the affected cockpit
- EO2 activation will isolate OBOGS oxygen flow in the affected cockpit, causing an OXY FLOW warning until the EO2 is depleted or reset.
- Consider aircraft fuel state, fuel required to reach a landing aerodrome, and EO2 remaining.
Caution Associated with FUEL PRESSURE LOW
Operating below 0°C OAT without fuel icing
inhibitor may cause filter blockage due to ice
Note X 2 associated with FUEL PRESSURE LOW
- Change altitude to find warmer OAT if possible.
2. Ensure positive g.
Caution Associated with TRIM RUNAWAY
- Selecting TRIM/AIL PWR off de-energises
the electric trim systems, and the hydraulic
aileron servo, roll spoilers and normal
powered braking systems are inoperative. - Aileron force increases and roll rate
3. Normal powered braking is not available with TRIM/AIL PWR off: - Manual braking requires higher than normal brake pedal pressure and travel for efficient braking - Landing ground roll distance is 8% longer with manual braking - Pull the emergency landing gear handle if emergency powered braking is required
- Anti-skid is inoperative with TRIM/AIL
PWR off. Apply brakes carefully with
anti-skid inoperative. - Flight control trims are inoperative
Note x 2 Associated with TRIM RUNAWAY
- To avoid leg fatigue, the aircraft may be
flown with the slip indicator not centred.
High sideslip angles are acceptable at and
below 220 KIAS. - The fuel quantity indications can be
unreliable when the slip indicator is not
centred for a prolonged period:
• Restore centred slip indicator to obtain
the correct fuel quantity indications
• A reset of the fuel low level indication
can take up to 2 minutes
Selecting TRIM/AIL PWR off de-energises the electric trim systems, and the hydraulic aileron servo, roll spoilers and normal powered braking systems are inoperative: • Aileron force increases and roll rate decreases • Normal powered braking is not available with TRIM/AIL PWR off: - Manual braking requires higher than normal brake pedal pressure and travel for efficient braking - Landing ground roll distance is 8% longer with manual braking - Pull the emergency landing gear handle if emergency powered braking is required • Anti-skid is inoperative with TRIM/AIL PWR off. Apply brakes carefully with anti-skid inoperative. • Flight control trims are inoperative
Caution Associated with Flap Failure
Observe flaps extended airspeed and g limitations if flaps cannot be confirmed up.
Note x 2 Associated with FLAP FAILURE
- Consider aircraft fuel state and fuel required to reach a suitable landing aerodrome.
- Use flapless approach and landing speed
(E-12) or AOA indexer for approach and
landing if flaps are not at LDG position.
Note x 4 Associated with Gear Retraction Failure
- Do not recycle the landing gear.
- Landing gear cannot be retracted following emergency landing gear extension.
- Do not check brakes after emergency landing gear extension in order to preserve emergency hydraulic pressure for flaps extension and emergency powered breaking after landing.
- Emergency powered braking may be limited after landing.
Caution Associated with GEAR RETRACTION FAILURE
Anti-skid is inoperative when the main
hydraulic system is not operating following
emergency landing gear extension. Apply
brakes carefully with anti-skid inoperative.
Caution Associated with GEAR LOWERING FAILURE
Anti-skid is inoperative when the main
hydraulic system is not operating following
emergency landing gear extension. Apply
brakes carefully with anti-skid inoperative.
Note x 3 Associated with GEAR LOWERING FAILURE
- Landing gear cannot be retracted following emergency landing gear extension.
- Do not check brakes after emergency landing gear extension in order to preserve emergency hydraulic pressure for flaps extension and emergency powered breaking after landing.
- Emergency powered braking may be limited after landing.
- Do not recycle the landing gear
- Attempt to extend the landing gear while applying positive g, varying between zero and +2g