Emergency medicine: chest pain and breathlessness Flashcards
What is the acute management of a patient with an infective COPD exacerbation?
1. Maintain airway
- Monitor RR, %O2 Sats
- Oxygen 15 L/min via NRBM or use Venturi (aim for 88-92% saturation)
- 5mg Salbutamol nebuliser
- add 500mcg of Ipratropium bromide (repeat 15-20 mins if no improvement
- Gain IV access
- if hypoxic increase FiO2,
- if hypercapnic >6kpa and acidotic < 7.3 start BIPAP and refer to ICU - Abx - Amoxicillin, erythromycin, doxycyline
When would you start BIPAP in a COPD patient?
pH < 7.3
PaCO2 > 6
What is the treatment for CAP?
Amoxicillin (1st line)
Doxycycline and Erythromycin
What is the treatment for HAP?
Cefuroxime or other cephalosporin
How does atypical pneumonia present? give an example of a causative organism?
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Fever Headache Upper abdominal pain Dry cough (as oppose to productive in typical) Vomiting Miserable and flushed
Define HAP?
pneumonia that manifests > 48hrs post-hospital admission
What is the screening tool for predicting mortality in pneumonia? How are the scores categorised?
- Confusion
- Urea ≥ 7 mmol/L
- RR ≥ 30
- BP < 90 syst, <60 diast
0-1 = treat from home 2 = admission 3 = high risk of death
What is the investigative pathway of PE?
Suspected PE based on clinical presentation?
- Two level Well’s score
- > 4 PE likely = CTPA
- < 4 PE unlikely = D-Dimer - D-Dimer
- +ve = CTPA
- -ve unlikely PE = V/Q if you want - CTPA
- +ve = treatment
- -ve unlikely
What is the acute treatment of confirmed PE?
- Maintain airway
- Oxygen 15L/min via NRBM - aim for 94%
- IV Access and cardiac monitor (r/v every 15 mins)
- LMWH or Fondaparinux or UFH (if sev renal imp) for 5 d
- PO NSAIDs for pain relief (avoid opiate due to respiratory depression)
- Anticoagulate - warfarin (overlap until INR 2-3) or NOAC
- Cancer screen for all unprovoked incidences
If Haemo-dynamically unstable
- Thrombolysis (alteplase or streptokinase)
- Embelectomy if thrombolysis is CI
- Fluids IV 500ml Hartmann’s
- IVC filter
What are the investigations ordered for HF?
- if > 400 = Echo within 2 weeks
- if 100-400 = Echo within 6 weeks
- if < 100 = unlikely HF - ECG
- L/RAD, L/R ventricular hypertrophy (r wave progression), - CXR
- Alveolar oedema ‘bat wings’
- Kerley B lines (interstitial oedema)
- Cardiomegaly
- Dilated upper lobe vessels
- Pleural effusion
What is the treatment for acute HF?
- Loop diuretic infusion or bolus IV (furosemide), add thiazide (bendroflumethiazide) if inadequate
- ACEi + BB once stable
a. Ramipril 1st line; ARB (losartan) or aldosterone antagonist (spironolactone) or hydrazine + nitrate 2nd line; Ivabradine + Digoxin (if EF < 35% and NYHA 2-4) 3rd line
b. Bisoprolol
What is the general treatment for ACS?
ABCDE Morphine Oxygen Nitrate Aspirin 300mg loading dose (5d) Fondaparinux Ticagrelor 180mg loading dose then 90mg daily
What is the treatment for STEMI?
- Coronary angiography and PCI if < 12hrs from symptoms onset and within 2 hrs of when thrombosis can be given
- Thrombolysis if < 12 hrs from symptoms
- Repeat ECG - still ST elevation? –> PCI + Coronary angiography
What is the treatment for NSTEMI?
- BB (metoprolol short term; atenolol long term)
- Risk stratify e.g. GRACE
High risk?
- glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
- PCI if < 12 hrs symptoms onset, new LBBB
What are the symptoms of aortic dissection?
Tearing chest pain felt inter or anterior scapular Dyspnoea (acute breathlessness) Hypotension, syncope + shock Unequal pulse Unequal BP (>15mmHg between brachial) Diastolic murmur (aortic regurgitation)
What are the investigative findings of aortic dissection?
1. CXR: Wide mediastinum Double knuckled aortic arch Tracheal deviation to RHS Pleural effusion (more on L)
- Echo
Aortic root leak
Aortic regurgitation
Pericardial effusion
What may an ECG show of a PE?
S1 Q3 T3
What is the investigative pathway for DVT?
- Two level Well’s score
- ≥2 = venous compression USS of leg
- <2 = D-Dimer (DVT unlikely) - Venous compression USS of leg (90% sensitive + specific)
- +ve = Anticoagulate immediately
- -ve = DVT unlikely
Start anticoagulation for 24hrs if USS is not avialbel within 4 hrs
What is the treatment for DVT?
- Anticoagulate
- LMWH or Fondaparinux or UFH (if severe renal impairment) - Warfarin or NOAC
- Start within 24hrs of confirmed DVT
If recurrent and extensive DVT
- Thrombolysis
- Catheter directed or Streptokinase - IVC filter
What is the investigative pathway of cellultis?
- Examine leg - look for sign of skin break, measure and monitor leg swelling
- Eron classification
- Classs 3 or 4 must be admitted
what is the treatment for cellulitis?
- Flucloxacillin PO
- Phenoxymy-methyl-penicillin or benzypenicillin (if strep confirmed)
- Clindamycin, clairithromycin or vancomycin if pen allergic