Emergency Mauevers Flashcards
Engine Fire During Start
Starter - Continue to Crank
Thottle - full power
mixture - cut off
Engine Failure in Flight
Airspeed - 65 KIAS
Best Place to Land - navigate, land into wind
carb heat - on
fuel selector - both
mixture - full rich
magneto switch - both, start if prop stop
Primer - in and locked
if engine does not restart
declare emergency - 121.5
squawk 7700
mixture - idle cut off
throttle - idle
go to checklist
doors - open before landing
Engine Fire in Flight
Mixture - cut off
fuel selector - off
master switch - off
Electrical Fire in flight
Master Switch - off
door open in flight
do not freak out. this is not ideal but not dangerous
low pressure indication
This means that we are losing oil. outr engine does not run without sufficient oil so we are going to reduce our mixture and head to the nearest airport
if we lose all oil pressure and get a high oil temp our engine is about to fail - forced landing in a field
low voltage light
do not freak out. grab your checklist and follow the list. If you follow it you should have at least 30 minutes to land somewhere.
Engine Failure after takeoff - no runway - below 1000
airspeed - 65
mixture - idle cut off
fuel selector valve - off
ignition switch - off
flaps as required
master switch - off