Emergency Management #3 Flashcards
What are the three sub-fuctions of the Intelligence function? (3)
Clue: I, S, F
- Information
- Situation
- Forecasting

What are the three sub-fuctions of the Planning function? (3)
Clue: A, LT, C
- Action Planning
- Long-Term Planning
- Contingency Planning

What are the three sub-fuctions of the Operations function? (3)
Clue: OC, L, VC
- Operational coordination
- Liasion
- Volunteer Coordination

What are the eight sub-fuctions of the Logistics function? (8)
Clue: A, F, T, S, C, I, F, P
- Admin
- FInance
- Transport
- Supply
- Catering
- Facilities
- Personal

What are the four sub-fuctions of the Public Information Management function? (4)
Clue: S, IW, M, CL
- Spokesperson
- Information and warnings
- Media
- Community Liason

What are the nine sub-fuctions of the Public Information Management function? (9)
Clue: PS, R, HG, I, FA, NA, SA, CYP, AW
- Psychological services
- Registration
- Household goods and services
- Inquiry
- Financial assistance
- Needs assessment
- Shelter and Accom
- Care and Protection CYP
- Animal Welfare

With regards too the sub-function of ‘Inquiries’ what does the 2015 Directors Guidlines make NZP responsible for? (2)
Clue: Coordinate inquiries for…(2)
- Coordinating inquiries for:
- family/whanau/NOK makingcontact with each other
- tracing missing persons/notifying NOK
What other agencies are required to plan for supporting Police to facilitate in the ‘Inquiry’ process? (5)
Clue: LA, 3 x Ministries, RC
- CDEM local authority
- Mins Education
- Mins Foreign Affairs
- Mins Health/DHB/Primary Ambulance Services
- NZ Red Cross
A effective Action Plan does what four things? (4)
Clue: I, I, CA, RR
- Intergrates all agencies into cohesive plan
- increases situational awareness for all agencies
- coordinates activities to common goal
- reduces risk, duplication, conflicting actions
New Action Plans should not be developed at arbitrary periods.
New Action Plans are only developed in what three situations? (3)
Clue O, S, O
- objectives in original AP are achieved
- situation changes significantly
- objectives changed by Controller
What are the two types of declaration for a state of emergency? (2)
- State of National emergency
- Local state of emergency
When is it likely that a state of emergency declaration would be made? (1)
When use of specific powers is required (eg requisitioning)