Emergency Management #1 Flashcards
What is the definaition of and ‘Emergency?’ (5)
Clue: ‘A situation that…’ Result of, cause, endager, emergency, requires
A situation that:
- the result of anything happening (explosion, flood, earthquack, etc)
- cause or may cause death, illness, distress
- endanger safety of public/property
- emergency services cannot deal with
- requires significant coordinated response
What is the purpose of a s.78 CDEM Act warrant issued by a DC judge?
- to enter and search premises (not dwellinghouse)
- for information urgently required to prevent or limit emergency
- the person possessing info is refusing to hand over
(not exceed 10 days)
What does s.86 CDEM Act (evacuation of premises and place) allow an authroised person to do? (4)
- emergency in force
- necessary for preservation of live
- evacuation of premises, place and public place
- exclusion of persons or vehicles from premises, place, public place.
What does s.87 CDEM Act (Entry on Premises) allow an Controller/Constable person to do? (4)
- emergency in force in area
- enter premises, place (can break in if necessary)
- RG2B save life, preventing injury, rescuing/removing endagered persons
- carrying out of urgent measures (relieve suffering/distress)
What are the main points to remember if property is requisitioned under s.90 CDEM Act. (4)
Clue: written statement…
- must give owner written statement of property taken and whos taking control of it
- if owner not found then control may be assumed
- if control assumed then statement to owner asap
- owner must provide assistance for efficient and safe use of property
What are the four components of ‘emergency management?’ (4)
Clue: The 4 R’s
- risk reduction
- readiness (to respond)
- response
- recovery
What are ten common Response objectives that provide guidanec to responders? (10)
Clue: PL, PE, LO, CI, ES, PG, PA, PN, AW, EA
- preserve life
- prevent escalation
- mantain law and order
- care for injured/sick/dependant
- provide essential services
- preserve governance
- protect assets
- protect natual and physical resources
- animal welfare
- preserve economic/social activity
What are ten principles CIMS structure is based on? (10)
Clue: SRR, CT, MS, CN, RC, AP, MC, RC, RF, SOC
- common structure/roles/responsibilities
- common terminology
- modular and scalable
- responsive to community needs
- intergrated response coordination
- consilidated action planning
- intergrated info management and communication
- resource coordination
- designated response facilities
- managable span of control
- What is it called when there are more than two lead agencies in a CIMS structure?
- When would this commonly occur?
- ‘Unified Control
- Commonly occures when:
- one or more have manadate
- unclear what agency has lead
- lead agency determinesjoint approach better
What ways are a ‘lead agency’ establish within CIMS
Clues: L, P, A, E
- legislation
- under protocol
- by agreement
- has experitise and experience