Emergency Drugs List Flashcards
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for adrenaline/epinephrine?
Indication - Anaphylaxis
Dose - 500micrograms of 1 in a 1000 (works out as 0.5ml)
Route - IM Injection, anterolateral aspect of the middle 1/3 of the thigh
Can you repeat the dose of adrenaline?
Yes - Several times in 5 minute intervals, depending on the BP, pulse and resp function
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for hydrocortisone?
Indication - Anaphylaxis
Dose - 200mg
Route - IV (preferably as sodium succinate)
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for chlorphenamine maleate?
Indication - Anaphylaxis
Dose - 10mg
Route - IM or IV injection over 1 minute
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for atropine?
Indication - Post MI bradycardia (particularly if complicated by hypotension)
Dose - 500 micrograms every 3-5 minutes. Maximum 3mg per course.
Route - IV injection
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for aspirin?
Indication - Suspected TIA/ACS/AF/stroke
Dose - 300mg
Route - PO. If ACS, chewed or dispersed in water
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for clopidogrel?
Indication - Prevention of atherothrombotic events in acute MI with ST elevation
Dose - Initially 300mg, then 75mg daily for at least 4 weeks
Route - PO
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for calcium gluconate (in terms of calcium)?
What monitoring is required during administration?
Indication - Severe acute hypocalcaemia or hypocalcaemic tetany
Dose - 10-20ml of calcium gluconate injection 10%
Route - Slow IV injection
Monitoring - Plasma calcium and ECG monitoring
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for calcium gluconate (in terms of potassium)?
What monitoring is required?
Indication - Acute severe hyperkalaemia (over 6.5) or in the presence of ECG changes
Dose - 10-20ml of calcium gluconate 10%
Route - Slow IV injection
Monitoring - ECG
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for insulin/dextrose infusion?
What do you need to monitor?
Indication - Acute hyperkalaemia
Dose - Actrapid 10units soluble insulin with with glucose 25g
(Inject 10 units soluble insulin into 50ml vial of 50% glucose. Add mix into 100ml bag of 0.9% NaCl. Run infusion over a pump for 15 minutes)
Route - IV
Monitoring - Hypoglycaemia at 0,15,30,60,90 mins and 2,4,6,9 hours
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for salbutamol (in terms of potassium)?
Indication - Acute hyperkalaemia
Dose - 20mg. Reduce to 10mg is coronary artery disease. Avoid if tachycardia present.
Route - Nebulized
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for diazepam?
Indication - Status epilepticus
Dose - 10mg, then 10mg after 10 minutes if required. Admistered at a rate of 5mg per minute
Route - IV injection / PR
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for lorazepam?
Indication - Status epilepticus
Dose - 4mg for 1 dose, then 4mg after 10 minutes if required
Route - Slow IV injection. Diluted with equal volume water for injection.
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for salbutamol (asthma)?
Indication - Acute severe asthma
Dose - 5mg, repeat every 20-30mins or when required
Route - Oxygen driven nebuliser
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for prednisolone (asthma)?
Indication - Acute severe asthma
Dose - 40-50mg daily for at least 5 days
Route - PO
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for morphine?
Indication - MI/acute pulmonary oedema/
Dose - 5-10mg (2.5-5mg for elderly), given at 1-2mg a minute
Route - Slow IV injection
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for naloxone?
Indication - Overdose of opiods
Dose - 400micrograms, then 800micrograms for up to 2 doses at 1 minute intervals, then 2mg for 1 dose, then 4mg for 1 dose
Route - IV injection, SC or IM if IV unavailable
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for glucose?
Indication - Hypoglycaemia in unconcious patient/unresponsive to fast acting glucose
Dose - 75ml 20% glucose through a pump set at 300ml/hr, stopped after 15 minutes
Route - IV infusion into a large vein using a large gauge needle
What is the indication, dose and route of administration for glucagon?
Indication - Hypoglycaemia in unconscious patient with no IV access
Dose - 1mg
Route - SC or IM