Emergency Drill Flashcards
Engine Fire or Failure in Flight
Condition Level…………..Fuel Cut Off
Prop Lever………………….Feather
Firewall Fuel Valve……….Pull Closed
Fire Extinguisher………….Actuate
Engine Fire on Ground
Condition Lever………………………………Fuel Cut off
Firewall Fuel Valve…………………………..Pull Closed
Ignition and Engine Start Switch……….Starter Only
Fire Extinguisher(if required)……………..Actuate
Engine Failure in Flight Below Air Minimum Control Speed (Vmca)
- Reduce power on operative engine as required to maintain control
- Lower nose to accelerate above Vmca
Oil Pressure Low (L or R OIL PRES LO Annunciator)
- Oil Pressure gage……….confirm below 60 PSI
- If confirmed………………secure engine or land at nearest suitable airport using the minimum power required to sustain flight
Prop Collisions During Ground Operation
- Power Levers………Ground Fine or Idle
- Condition Levers…..Fuel Cutoff
Fuel Pressure Low
Standby Pump(failed side)…………..ON
Electrical Smoke or Fire
- Oxygen
a. Oxygen control………………..confirm on
b. Crew……..Don masks,and goggles
Mark Selector Switch……..emergency
Purge Valve……………open
c. Headsets…………..DON
d. MIC selector switches……..OXYGEN MASK
Environmental System Smoke or Fumes
- Oxygen
a. Oxygen control………………..confirm on
b. Crew……..Don masks, and goggles
Mask Selector Switch……..emergency
Purge Valve……………open
c. Headsets…………..DON
d. MIC selector switches……..OXYGEN MASK
Cabin or Cargo Door Unlocked (Cabin door or cargo door annunciator)
- All Occupants…….Seated with seat belts securely fastened
Emergency Descent
- Power Levers……………………IDLE
- Propeller Levers………………..Full Forward
- Flaps……………………………….17Deg
- Landing Gear…………………….Down
- Airspeed…………………………..180 kts
Landing Gear Control……………….UP
Airspeed…………………………………140 kts
Single Inverter or AC Bus Failure (L or R AC BUS Annunciator)
- Ac Bus Switch(failed side)…………off then on
Single Inverter Failure followed by a second inverter or AC bus failure(L and R AC BUS failure)
- Attiude/Heading Control…………..Use Standby Attitude Indicator and Compass
Dual inverter Failure (L and R AC Bus Annunciators)
Attitude/Heading Control…………Use Standby Attitude Indicator and Compass
Dual Generator Failure (L and R DC Gen Annunciators)
- Instrument emergency lights………………ON
- Generators…………….RESET,
Then ON If either Generator will reset
- Do not Exceed 100%load on Operating generator If Neither Generator Will Reset:
- Non-Essential Equipment……………….OFF
Unscheduled Electric Elevator Trim
- Airplane Attitude…………………Maintain(Using Elevator Control)
- Control Wheel Disconnect Switch……………Depress Fully (Pitch Trim OFF Annunciator - Illuminated)
Unscheduled Rudder Boost Activation
- Control Wheel Disconnect Switch…………Depress and Hold
Rudder Boost/Yaw Control Test Switch…….off if condition persists: Rudder Boost CCT Breaker…………..PULL
Use of Oxygen
- Oxygen Control……………Confirm On
- Cabin Oxygen Control………..Pull On
- Crew…………………………..Don Masks
- Mask Selector Switch……………..SET
Inflatable type harness……….SET
Strap Type Harness…………NORMAL (100% at cabin altitudes above 20,000)
- Headsets…………………………..DON
- MIC Selector Switches…..OXYGEN MASK
Cabin Decompression
- Oxygen Control……………Confirm On
- Cabin Oxygen Control………..Pull On
- Crew…………………………..Don Masks
- Mask Selector Switch……………..SET
Inflatable type harness……….SET
Strap Type Harness…………NORMAL (100% at cabin altitudes above 20,000)
- Headsets…………………………..DON
- MIC Selector Switches…..OXYGEN MASK
High Differential Pressure(CAB DIFF HI Annunciator)
- Bleed Air Valves………………..Environmental OFF
Bleed Air Line Failure (L or R BL AIR Fail Annunciator)
Bleed Air Valve (affected Engine)…………..INST ENVIR OFF
Environmental Failure (L or R ENVIR FAIL Annunciator)
- Bleed Air Valve (affected side)……….CYCLE to Environmental off and back to open
if ENVIR FAIL Annunciator Extingishes, Continue operation
If Annunciator Remains Illuminated:
- Bleed Air valves (affected side)………..Environment OFF
In Flight Activation of GPWS Warning
In IMC or at Night
- Wings………………………….Level
- Airspeed………………………122KIAS
- Power…………………………..Max Allowable
- Gear and Flaps………………Retract
- Continue Climb at 122 KIAS Until Visual and Aural Warnings Cease
In Day VMC
- Evaluate Flight Path With Respect to Terrain
- Take Action As Necessary to Recover Safe Terrain Clearance
- Control Column……….Full FWD,
Ailerons Neutral
- Full Rudder……………Opposite the direction of spin
- Power Levers…………IDLE
- Rudder…………..Neutralize when Rotation Stops 5. Execute a smooth pull out