Emergency Department Delivery of Newborn Flashcards
What should be done as soon as the head delivers?
Sweep with finger, check for nuchal cord
How is a nuchal cord managed?
Gently loosen the cord and attempt to reduce over the head. If unable, clamp and cut the cord and deliver quickly.
What medications should be given immediately after delivery?
Oxytocin 10 units IM after delivery of the placenta
Add Oxytocin 30 units to 500 or 1,000cc fluid and infuse as fast as needed to control uterine atony
What are signs of shoulder distocia?
Turtle head
Failure to advance
How is shoulder distocia managed?
McRoberts maneuver: flex hips with suprapubic pressure (only attempt for 30 seconds before trying something else)
Try sweeping the posterior arm across body and face and delivering the posterior shoulder first
Try corkscrew maneuver: push post. shoulder backwards and anterior shoulder forward and rotate body
Break clavicle
Put mom on all fours
How is breech presentation delivered?
Allow the infant to advance UNASSISTED until at the level of the umbilicus (assisting increases the risk of getting the head stuck later)
Externally rotate each thigh to deliver the legs
Rotate the body to put each shoulder anterior and deliver each shoulder
Position the baby face down and use hands on maxilla to flex the baby’s neck, assistant provides suprapubic pressure and then deliver the baby by pulling on shoulders
What supplies are needed for delivery?
Sterile gloves, towels, gown Scissors, two clamps 4x4 gauze Needle driver and sutures Baby warmer and resuscitation supplies
Head delivers and then seems to retract and further advancement is not happening. What next?
Check for nuchal cord Drain bladder if can do <1 min McRobert's Wood's corkscrew Deliver the posterior arm first Do epesiotomy Break the clavicle by pressing in the middle of the bone
You are alerted that a pt in triage is delivering a baby. What are your next steps and what do you need to know?
Page OB and Peds and get supplies
Confirm baby position by exam or US
Ask: how far along, and how many babies?
How is umbilical prolapse managed?
Raise presenting part and reduce the cord
Hand stays in vagina until delivery
Can maybe instill fluid into the bladder to help hold baby in
Get to OR for delivery
Mom on all fours to have gravity help
If delayed OR use tocolytic
What are tocolytic agents and doses?
Terbutaline: 0.25 mg SubQ every 20min to 3 hours or 2.5-10 mcg/min IV holding for tachycardia >120
Nitroglycerine: 50-200mcg IV bolus, favor 50 at a time repeated if needed
Magnesium: 4g IV over 15 minutes then 1–4g/hr
Basic technique for delivering baby
Hand on head to control speed
Supportive pressure on perineum to prevent tearing
Mom pushes with contractions until head delivers then no more pushing
After head delivers, sweep for cord and either reduce over head or clamp, cut, and deliver fast
Downward pressure to deliver anterior shouder first
Upward traction to deliver posterior shoulder
Clamp cord 3cm from belly and cut
Oxytocin 20 units in 1L NS at 250/hr or 10 units IM
Stimulate baby, get apgars, suction, etc.
Check for post partum hemorrhage
What are some steps to prevent post partum hemorrrhage?
Start oxytocin immediately after anterior shoulder delivers
Uterine massage after delivery
How can pain be relieved during/after delivery?
Small doses ketamine or fentanyl
How can oxytocin be given for PP hemorrhage?
10u IM or 40 units in 1L wide open
What are adjunctive meds for PP hemorrhage?
Misoprostol 800mcg orally or rectally
Methylergonovine 0.2mg IM (not if HTN or CVD)
Carboprost 250 mcg IM (repeat q15 min x8 doses, not in asthma)
What are the potential causes of post partum hemorrhage?
4 T's Tissue (placental or fetal tissue) Trauma (laceration or rupture) Tone (uterine atony) Thrombin (coagulopathy)
What labs do you want to work up PP hemorrhage?
Coag panel and DIC panel
Pt has vWD and is bleeding. What is the treatment?
What are potential therapies for different coagulopathies?
FFP and platelets
Factor replacement for known deficiencies
Cryoprecipitate for DIC
Mom just delivered and is bleeding profusely. You give oxytocin and confirm that the uterus has good tone. What next?
Send coag labs
Have good IV access and get blood coming or infusing
Exam for retained tissue and repair any lacs
Blunt removal of any retained tissue
All interventions have been tried but patient continues to bleed. What are the last efforts that can be done?
External aortic pressure, try for tamponade with blakemore or multiple foley balloons or with packing?
Need OR or interventional radiology for uterine artery ligation or embolization
How is uterine inversion managed?
Turn off any oxytocin-like meds
May need tocolytic: (nitro 50mcg, Terb 5mcg IV, Mg 1-4g)
Don’t remove placenta until uterus is reduced
May need OR to reduce due to pain
Try to reduce with manual pressure
Restart oxytocin and hold uterus in place until firm
Rapid transfusion of blood or fluids
How is delayed bleeding managed?
Same as for post partum bleeding, just need to add antibiotics
Retained products and infection are most common causes