Emergency Contraception + Termination Flashcards
What is the most effective method of emergency contraception?
-Copper IUD - >99%
-Ulipristal (EllaOne) - 98%
-Levonorgestrel (Levonelle)
–95% if <24h
–85% if 24-48h
–58% if 48-72h
When can the copper IUD be used as emergency contraception?
-Within 5 days of UPSI
-Within 5 days of earliest likely calculated ovulation
How does the copper IUD work as a contraception?
-Prevents implantation (by affecting endometrium to make it toxic for the embryo)
-Spermicide properties
In what patients is the copper IUD contraindicated?
-PID <3 months ago
-Gynae cancers
-Small uterine cavity
-Copper allergy
What side effects are there for the copper IUD?
-Pain on insertion (give ibuprofen)
-Perforation (1 in 1000)
-Vasovagal episode (1 in 10)
-Expulsion (1 in 20)
Check up 6 weeks after insertion, can be removed after 4 weeks
When can ulipristal / EllaOne be used?
-Within 5 days of UPSI
-Within 5 days of earliest likely calculated ovulation
How does ulipristal work?
-A selective progesterone receptor modulator
-Delays / inhibits ovulation (even if LH levels already rising)
-30mg single dose
In what patients is ulipristal contraindicated?
-<18 y/o’s
-Severe asthma or liver disease
-Efficacy reduced if taking enzyme inducers or progestogen is taken 7 days before / 5 days after
-Breastfeeding (delay for 1 week)
-Efficacy reduced if already used in this cycle (can give multiple doses per cycle)
What side effects can result from taking ulipristal?
-PV bleeding
-N+V (repeat dose with 10mg domperidone or use IUD if vomit within 3h)
-Breast / pelvic pain
-May reduce efficacy of hormonal contraception - use barrier methods
When can levonorgestrel be used?
-Within 72h after UPSI (efficacy reduces the longer you leave it)
How does levonorgestrel work?
-Delays / inhibits ovulation
-Inhibits implantation
-1.5mg single dose given
In what patients is levonorgestrel contraindicated?
-Efficacy reduced if taking enzyme inducers
-Double / increase dose if above is true / BMI >26
What side effects can occur with levonorgestrel?
-PV bleeding
-N+V (repeat dose with 10mg domperidone / consider IUD if vomiting within 3h)
-Breast / pelvic pain
-Generally well tolerated
How long should patients abstain from sex after taking ulipristal / levonorgestrel?
-2 weeks
-uPT after 3 weeks
What different options are there for M-TOP?
-Early medical abortion <10/40
-Medical abortion >10/40