Emergencies Flashcards
What is the caution statement with a Dual Generator Failure?
Remove all non essential electrical loads
If power is not restored after using the QRH,
Approximately 30 minutes of electrical power is available if both batteries are fully charged and the standby electrical power system HMG a cannot be used.
How do you avoid shock loading the HMG?
Make each ESS switch selection one at a time and 10 seconds between each selection to allow HMG loads to stabilize.
What is the General Guidance regarding engine failures?
failed engine…..secure
Operating Engine Power….adjust as necessary
When should you shut down the engine inflight.
Engine fire
Extreme engine vibration is felt
Excessive or uncontrollable power loss
Sudden increase or decrease in oil pressure beyond limits
Sustained high oil temps above limits
Sudden uncontrollable increase in TGT beyond limits
Any other condition that indicates the advisability of engine shutdown
Engine failure below V1.
Power levers….idle
Max anti-skid braking…..apply
Speed brakes…..extend
Thrust Reversers…..as required
When stopped….call tower
When clear of runway….appropriate Abnormal Emergency check list
Engine failure above V1?
Directional control……maintain
Vr speed…..rotate
V2 speed….attain after liftoff
Landing gear….up after positive rate of climb established
Climb….climb at V2 to 1500’ above airport level
Accelerate….accelerate to V2+10
Airspeed…continue acceleration to Vse
Operating Engine Power Level…..MCT Power
Failed engine power lever….IDLE
Failed engine Fuel control switch….OFF
See checklist
Flaps…up after V2 + 10 attained at 1500’
Dual Engine Flameout?
Crew oxygen masks(100%)…..DON
L/R Fuel Control…..…..OFF
Descent to Airstart Envelope..…………perform at Vmo or Mmo
Passenger O2 masks…………….MANUALLY DEPLOY
APU…………………………………….Start at 39,000’ or below
APU GEN……………ON when APU reaches 100%RPM
Engine Start…………….At 25,000’ or below
L/R CONT IGN………………………ON
L/R fuel control (one at a time)…RUN
FF / TGT indications……………….Monitor
Check list
Inadvertent Engine (one or both) Shutdown?
Perform the following steps immediately:
L / R Fuel Control…………….RUN
L / R Continuous Ignition….ON
Power Levers………..Do not move unless TGT exceedance is avoidable
After engine start….checklist
Dual Engine Failure at Mid Altitude?
Pushover……….execute to 10 degree nose down altitude
Airspeed……….accelerate to 200K minimum and continue to 250K
AT 200K
Both CONT IGN………………………..ON
Both FUEL CONTROL switches….RUN
Engine Start……..monitor on DU 1 and DU 4
Why is Windmilling HP RPM needed?
Windmilling HP RPM as low as 2.7% provides sufficient flight control power for safe flight.
If the engine was shutdown with the FIRE Handle, it will be necessary to reseat the handle to restore hydraulic power.
Prior to reseating the Fire Handle, the associated FUEL S/O circuit breaker needs to be pulled to prevent fuel going back into the engine
What is the maximum recommended altitude for resetting the FIRE Handle for Windmilling purposes?
What is the Starter limits for a Windmilling engine?
Starter with motor windmilling engine at 25-30% HP providing steady hydraulic pressure.
Starter time limits can be extended up to 10 minutes in flight
Note: a Go Around has not been demonstrated in this configuration of Left Engine Failure and Right HYD Failure.
Where are Engine drift down charts located?
QRH abnormal / emergency procedures
Does the FADEC auto-abort an Airstart for TGT Exceedance?
No, the FADEC will not auto-abort an Airstart for a TGT a exceedance, but it will accelerate to the actual thrust position on the throttle lever.
The crew is responsible for monitoring LP HP and TGT during airstarts.
What does this CAS mean?
Throttle Configuration, L / R
The power lever is not at idle during an Airstart
What is the 1 Engine Inop Go-Around procedure?
Operating engine power lever…….GO-AROUND POWER
Flaps…………….20 degrees
Airspeed………..Approach Climb Speed or 39 flaps + 5 knots
Landing Gear….UP after positive ROC established
FLCH…………….Select on Flight Guidance Panel
Altitude………….Climb to 1500’ above airport
Flaps……………..UP at Vref for 20 degrees FLAPS + 20 knots
Airspeed…………maintain for adequate stall margin
Operating Engine Power Lever……Max Continuous Power
Altitude…………..1500’ or as directed by ATC
What do you do if Engine Exceedance?
Power Lever(s).......retard TGT / LP / HP.........check Affected engine......shutdown
What do you do if oil temperature remains above 160 degrees?
Affected Engine……..Shut Down
What do you do if oil pressure is less than 25 PSI?
Affected Engine…….SHUT DOWN
How should you balance fuel with LOW FUEL PRESSURE?
Fuel Balance……….Check periodically by re trimming the wings. Est a small side slip (half trapezoid) toward the lighter wing.
Normal Trim…………Re-Establish
Thrust reverser Unlock or deploy during Takeoff?
If below V1:
Engine Failure below V1 checklist…..PERFORM
If above V1:
Affected Engine Power Lever………….IDLE
TAKEOFF………………………………..continue as single engine inoperative
AIRSPEED……………………………..Do not exceed 200 knots
AFFECTED T / REV MAN STOW……ON, when situation permits
LAND.......AS SOON AS PRACTICAL Reverse thrust.............do not use Affected power level....leave in idle Flaps.............................Limit to 20 degrees GPWS/GND SPLR Flap Overide.....ONq
What is your MAX airspeed for a Thrust Reverser in flight?
200 knots
What do you do if EVM (engine vibration monitor) exceeds .80 LP or .80 HP?
Power lever………….retard until EVM returns to normal level
If vibration is accompanied by other failure indications…
Affected Engine…..SHUT DOWN
How do you shed ice on the ground?
Ground: When taxing or holding on the ground at low power in temperatures less than 1C, engine operation at 40% LP for 10 seconds is recommended just prior to takeoff