Embryonic cardio development Flashcards
Where do Vitelline veins come from and what do they give rise to?
They come from the yolk sac and drain the gut tube. They give rise to Portion of inferior vena cava, portal vein, splenic vein, superior mesenteric vein and inferior mesenteric vein
What does the Umbilical Vein do?
It carries O2 blood from placenta to nourish the embryo.
What do Cardinal Veins do and what do they give rise to?
the anterior and posterior cardinal veins form main drainage system of the embryo. Eventually they give rise to brachiocephalic vein, superior vena cava, and a portion of inferior vena cava.
When does the heart remodel itself so that all systemic blood flows into the future right atrium?
Between weeks 4 and 8
How many arteries become modified and rearrange to form adult vascular pattern?
Five pairs
What does splanchnic mesoderm form?
It forms the muscle and connective tissue layers, blood vessels and peritoneal components (mesothelium, connective tissue)
Where does the primitive gut tube come from?
It comes from the endoderm lined yolk sac, which becomes folded as the rest of the body folds.
What does endoderm give rise to?
Epithelial cells of the gut tube( pharyngeal foregut, digestive system and respiratory system) and associated glands
What is the vitelline duct and what does it become?
The communication between the yolk sac and the midgut. Eventually it becomes the core of the umbilical cord
Where does the septum primum originally form?
The dorsal roof of the atrial chamber
Where does the septum primum grow after forming?
Towards the Atrioventricular canal
What divides the AV canal into right and left atrioventricular orifices?
The dorsal and ventral endocardial cushions( which becomes the AV septum)
What is the interatrial foramen primum?
The space between the caudal edge of the septum primum and the endocardial cushions
What does the interatrial foramen primum do?
acts as a shunt, letting blood pass between the right and left atrium
The opening left in the septum secundum is called the
foramen ovale
What does the remaining portion of the primary septum become?
valve of foramen ovale
What happens because the of the fall of pressure in the right atrium after birth?
Fall of pressure in the right atrium will result in the valve of the foramen ovale pressing against the secondary septum
Where do the cells that partition the outflow tract come from?
They are neural crest cells that originated in the hindbrain, they migrated through the pharyngeal apparatus
Initially, what partitions the single chambered outflow tract?
the conotruncal ridges partition it into aortic and pulmonary channels. The ridges come from neural crest mesenchyme
In what fashion do the truncoconal ridges develop?
in a spiral fashion
In what direction to the conotruncal ridges fuse?
In a cranial to caudal direction
What is the conotruncal septum?
the septum betwee the aortic and pulmonary outflow tracts