Embryology Pharyngeal Cleft Derivatives Flashcards
CN of First Arch
CN of Second Arch
CN of Third Arch
CN of Fourth Arch
Superior Laryngeal of Vagus
CN of Sixth Arch
Recurrent laryngeal branch of Vagus
Ear Canal Nasal Passage Larynx Esophagus Trachea
Ear pit Nasal Masses Face Lip Palate Larynx Tracheal-Esophageal
Persistent Structures
Thyroglossal duct
Branchial cleft
Skeletal Derivatives of the First Arch
Maxillary prominence: Maxilla, Zygomatic, Squamous part of temporal bone.
Mandibular prominence: Merkel’s cartilage (Mandible), Reichert’s cartilage (Inner ear); malleus, incus
Skeletal Derivatives of Second Arch
Stapes, styloid process, upper body of hyoid bone.
Skeletal Derivatives of Third Arch
Greater cornu and lower body of hyoid bone
Skeletal Derivatives of Fourth and Sixth Arch
Thyroid and Cricoid Cartilage.
First Pharyngeal Pouch Derivatives
Auditory Tube
Tympanic or middle ear cavity
Mastoid Air Cells
Second Pharyngeal Pouch Derivatives
Palantine tonsils
Third Pharyngeal Pouch Derivatives
Inferior parathyroid glands