Embryology Flashcards
Cause of didelphus
Failure of fusion of Müllerian ducts
Cause of unicornuate uterus
Unilateral hypoplasia or agenesis
Cause of bicornuate uterus
Failure of fusion of Müllerian ducts
Septate uterus cause
Non-reabsorption of midline septum
Embryological development of tubes
Cranial unfused parts of the Müllerian ducts
Embryological development of uterus, cervix, and upper vagina
Caudal ends of Müllerian ducts fuse medially to become the uterovaginal primordium
Embryological development of lower vagina
Formed from the urogenital folds
Sinus tubercle forms the sinovaginal bulbs which fuse to form the vaginal plate
Vaginal plate canalises in the third trimester to form a continuous vaginal canal
Female embroological differentiation
SRY gene absent (on Y chromosome)
No AMH stimulation
This results in regression of wolffian ducts and differentiation of Müllerian ducts