Embryogenesis 2 (Chapter 4) Flashcards
What is the function of the testis determining factor (TDF)
It produces a protein that tells the gonad what to become, which in this case is testicles
Which cells secrete anti-müllerian hormone?
Sertoli cells
What are the two main functions of the anti-müllerian hormone (AMH)?
- Causes leydig cells to differentiate
- Degenerates the paramesonephric duct
What is a freemartin?
What species does it mainly effect?
- It is an infertile female twin (when the other is a male)
- It mainly effects cattle
How does a freemartin occur?
- A bull and heifer share the same placenta
- The testis develop first and produces AMH
- The hormone circles through the blood supply and makes the heifer infertile
What structure is degenerated by AMH?
The paramesonephric duct
In early male fetal growth the epithelial cords will become the ___
Seminiferous tubules
What muscle is responsible for testis descent?
The gubernaculum muscle
The opening of the body cavity where the testes descent is called the ___
Inguinal ring
How does a hernia occur?
These occur when the inguinal ring does not fully close after the testis descend
What species of animal is highly prone to hernias?
The uterus and vagina result form a fusion of the ___ ducts
In early female fetal growth the coelomic epithelium will become the ___
What is the name for the situation when a males testes do not descend and are left in the abdominal cavity?