EM V Flashcards
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- […]
- timolol 0.5% // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- timolol 0.5% // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
goal is to lower IOP and dislodge clot
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- […] // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- timolol 0.5% // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
goal is to lower IOP and dislodge clot
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- timolol 0.5% // […]
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- timolol 0.5% // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
goal is to lower IOP and dislodge clot
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- timolol 0.5% // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- […]
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- timolol 0.5% // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
goal is to lower IOP and dislodge clot
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- timolol 0.5% // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- […]
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion tx: (+doses)
- intermittant digital massage
- timolol 0.5% // acetazolamide 500mg IV
- rebreathe into paperbag = increase CO2
- +/- paracentesis of anterior chamber
goal is to lower IOP and dislodge clot
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion prx:
- […]
- retinal hemorrhages on exam
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion prx:
- sudden painless u/l vision loss
- retinal hemorrhages on exam
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion prx:
- sudden painless u/l vision loss
- […]
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion prx:
- sudden painless u/l vision loss
- retinal hemorrhages on exam
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion tx:
- […]
- often surgical management
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion tx:
- lower IOP (timolol, pilocarpine, acetazolamide)
- often surgical management
no proven tx
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion tx:
- lower IOP (timolol, pilocarpine, acetazolamide)
- […]
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion tx:
- lower IOP (timolol, pilocarpine, acetazolamide)
- often surgical management
no proven tx
Central Vertigo ddx:
• […]
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- […]
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- […]
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- […]
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insuficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- […]
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insuficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- […]
- infection
Central Vertigo ddx:
• tumor/mass
- carotid dissection
- vertebro-basilar insufficiency
- cerebellar stroke
- intracranial bleed
- infection
Central Vertigo is caused by disturbance in […].
Central Vertigo is caused by disturbance in CNS blood flow.
i.e. blood flow, tumor, mass, bleed, carotid dissection
Cervicitis tx: (+ doses)
- […]
- azithromycin 1g PO (+zofran)
Cervicitis tx: (+ doses)
- ceftriaxone 250mg IM
- azithromycin 1g PO (+zofran)
cervicitis = no CMT but positive swab
substitute for azithromycin= Doxycycline 100mg PO BID x 14 days
Cervicitis tx: (+ doses)
- ceftriaxone 250mg IM
- […]
Cervicitis tx: (+ doses)
- ceftriaxone 250mg IM
- azithromycin 1g PO (+zofran)
cervicitis = no CMT but positive swab
substitute for azithromycin= Doxycycline 100mg PO BID x 14 days
Chemical Burns pearls:
- […]
- differentiate alkali vs acidic
- give topical anesthetic
Chemical Burns pearls:
- pts need copious irrigation (until pH is nl 6.5-7.5)
- differentiate alkali vs acidic
- give topical anesthetic
Chemical Burns pearls:
- pts need copious irrigation (until pH is nl 6.5-7.5)
- […]
- give topical anesthetic
Chemical Burns pearls:
- pts need copious irrigation (until pH is nl 6.5-7.5)
- differentiate alkali vs acidic
- give topical anesthetic
Chemical Burns pearls:
- pts need copious irrigation (until pH is nl 6.5-7.5)
- differentiate alkali vs acidic
- […]
Chemical Burns pearls:
- pts need copious irrigation (until pH is nl 6.5-7.5)
- differentiate alkali vs acidic
- give topical anesthetic
Chest Pain + […] or new LBBB = cath lab
Chest Pain + 1mm/2 leads or new LBBB = cath lab
Chest Pain + 1mm/2 leads or new […] = cath lab
Chest Pain + 1mm/2 leads or new LBBB = cath lab
Chest Pain + 1mm/2 leads or new LBBB = […]
Chest Pain + 1mm/2 leads or new LBBB = cath lab
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- […]
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- […]
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- […]
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- […]
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- […]
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- […]
Chest Pain 6 deadly causes: (PET MAC)
- PE
- esophageal rupture
- tension pneumothorax
- MI
- aortic dissection
- cardiac tamponade
Chest Pain hx questions:
- […]
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- […]
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- […]
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- […]
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- […]
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- […]
Chest Pain hx questions:
- onset
- provocation
- quality
- relieving/radiation
- severity
- time
Chest Pain pts need a […] EKG before dispo.
Chest Pain pts need a pain free EKG before dispo.
make sure there are no changes!
Chest Pain that’s persitant despite interventions consider:
- […]
- admission to CCU
Chest Pain that’s persitant despite interventions consider:
- unstable angina
- admission to CCU
not stable enough for telemetry!
Chest Pain that’s persitant despite interventions consider:
- unstable angina
- […]
Chest Pain that’s persitant despite interventions consider:
- unstable angina
- admission to CCU
not stable enough for telemetry!
Chest Tube placement steps:
- […]
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- […]
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- […]
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- […]
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- […]
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- […]
Chest Tube placement steps:
- prep skin with betadine
- palpate 4th/5th intercostal space (lateral to nipple)
- cut just above the rib => dissect down to muscle
- puncture chest wall with curved kellys
- insert finger into chest wall and twist 360*
- place chest tube in controlled manner
CHF tx: (UNLOAD +doses)
- U[…]
- Nitroglycerin 0.4mg Q5min => 0.3mcg/kg/min drip
- Lasix 40mg IV (or double home dose)
- Oxygen BiPAP/CPAP (10/5)
- Ace-I enalaprilat 1.25mg IV Q6
- Diltiazem 10mg IV => infuse at 5-15mg/hr (comp CHF) // dobutamine 10mcg/kg/min (decomp CHF)
CHF tx: (UNLOAD +doses)
- Upright position
- Nitroglycerin 0.4mg Q5min => 0.3mcg/kg/min drip
- Lasix 40mg IV (or double home dose)
- Oxygen BiPAP/CPAP (10/5)
- Ace-I enalaprilat 1.25mg IV Q6
- Diltiazem 10mg IV => infuse at 5-15mg/hr (comp CHF) // dobutamine 10mcg/kg/min (decomp CHF)
consider nitroprusside 0.3 mcg/kg/min if nitroglycerin doesn’t work
CHF tx: (UNLOAD +doses)
- Upright position
- N[…]
- Lasix 40mg IV (or double home dose)
- Oxygen BiPAP/CPAP (10/5)
- Ace-I enalaprilat 1.25mg IV Q6
- Diltiazem 10mg IV => infuse at 5-15mg/hr (comp CHF) // dobutamine 10mcg/kg/min (decomp CHF)
CHF tx: (UNLOAD +doses)
- Upright position
- Nitroglycerin 0.4mg Q5min => 0.3mcg/kg/min drip
- Lasix 40mg IV (or double home dose)
- Oxygen BiPAP/CPAP (10/5)
- Ace-I enalaprilat 1.25mg IV Q6
- Diltiazem 10mg IV => infuse at 5-15mg/hr (comp CHF) // dobutamine 10mcg/kg/min (decomp CHF)
consider nitroprusside 0.3 mcg/kg/min if nitroglycerin doesn’t work
CHF tx: (UNLOAD +doses)
- Upright position
- Nitroglycerin 0.4mg Q5min => 0.3mcg/kg/min drip
- L[…]
- Oxygen BiPAP/CPAP (10/5)
- Ace-I enalaprilat 1.25mg IV Q6
- Diltiazem 10mg IV => infuse at 5-15mg/hr (comp CHF) // dobutamine 10mcg/kg/min (decomp CHF)
CHF tx: (UNLOAD +doses)
- Upright position
- Nitroglycerin 0.4mg Q5min => 0.3mcg/kg/min drip
- Lasix 40mg IV (or double home dose)
- Oxygen BiPAP/CPAP (10/5)
- Ace-I enalaprilat 1.25mg IV Q6
- Diltiazem 10mg IV => infuse at 5-15mg/hr (comp CHF) // dobutamine 10mcg/kg/min (decomp CHF)
consider nitroprusside 0.3 mcg/kg/min if nitroglycerin doesn’t work