EM Trauma 11 (ATLS 2) Flashcards
remarks on open pneumothorax
because air tends to follow the path of least resistance, when the opening in the chest wall is approx 2/3 the diameter of the trachea or greater, air passes preferentially through the chest wall defect with each inspiration
remarks on CTT insertion
28-32 french is inserted usually at the 5th ICS, just anterior to the MAL
Remarks on cardiac tamponade
Kussmaul’s sign - a rise in venous pressure with inpsiration when breahting spontaneously; a true paradoxical venous pressure abnoramlity that’s assicated with tamponade
8 potentially lethal injuries identified during the secondary survey of a thoracic trauma patient
- simple pneumothorax
- hemothorax
- flail chest
- pulmonary contusion
- blunt cardiac injury
- traumatic aortic disruption
- traumatic diaphragmatic injury
- blunt esophageal rupture
remarks on pneumothorax in relation to air tranport
a patient with pneumothorax should undergo chest decompression before transport via air ambulance due to potential risk of expansion of the pneumothorax at altitude, even in a pressurized cabin
most common potentially lethal chest injury
pulmonary contusion
-the resultant respiratory failure can be subtle, developing over time rather than occurring instantaneously
treatment of flail chest and pulmonary contusion
humidified oxygen, adequate ventilation, cautious fluid resuscitation
adequate analgesia
radiographic signs of blunt aortic injury
widened mediastinum
obliteration of the aortic knob
deviation of the trachea to the right
depression of the left mainstem bronchus
elevation of the right mainstem bronchus
obscuration of the aortopulmonary window
deviation of the esophagus (NGT) to the right
left hemithorax
fractures of the 1st or 2nd rib or scapula
remarks on blunt aortic injury
low-resourced facilities should not delay transfer by performing extensive evaluations of a wide mediastinum, because free rupture of the contained hematoma and repaid death from exsanguination may occur
remarks on traumatic diaphragmatic injury
more commonly diagnosed on the left side, perhaps because the liver obliterates the defect or protects it on the right side
remarks on esophageal rupture
the clinical setting is typically
1) a patient with a left pneumothroax or hemothorax without a rib fracture who has received a severe blow to the lower sternum or epigastrium and is in pain or shock out of proportion the the apparent injury
fractures of ______ should increase suspicion for hepatosplenic injury
lower ribs (10-12)
remarks on rib fractures
relief of pain is important to enable adequate ventilation in rib fractures
remarks on penetrating wounds in terms of frequency
m/c organ involved in stab wounds: liver
in GSW: small bowel
PE findings suggestive of pelvic fracture
ruptured urethra (scrotal hematoma or blood at the urethral meatus)
discrepancy in limb length
rotational deformity of a leg without obvious fracture
remarks on pelvic fractures
- an alert, awake patient without pelvic pain or tenderness does NOT require a pelvic radiograph
- a fall from a height greater than 12 feet commonly results in a vertical shear injury
- internal rotation of the lowerlimbs may assist in hemorrhage control by reducing pelvic volume
- pelvic binder marker - greater trochanters of femur
remarks on DPL
mandates laparotomy:
1.) aspiration of GI contents, vegetable fibers, or bile
2.) aspiration of 10cc or more of blood in hemodynamically abnormal patients
remarks on shotgun wounds
distance from the assailant is particularly important as the likelihood of major visceral injuries decreases beyon the 10 feet or 3-meter range