Elston Chapter 2: Benign tumors and cysts of the epidermis Flashcards
What is a benign acanthoma?
benign cutaneous neoplasm characterized by expansion of epidermis
may be composed of clones of cells that displace or compress preexisting epidermis
rete ridge pattern is commonly ablastic by neoplastic tissue of acanthoma
includes SKs, melanoacanthomas, clear cell acanthomas, large cell acanthoma, inverted follicular keratosis, warty dyskeratoma, epidermolytic acanthoma, epidermal nevi
seborrheic keratoses
cells typically smaller than cellso f surrounding epidermis and commonly pigmented
architecture can include acanthotic, hyperkeratotic, reticulated and clonal
melanoacathoma is distinct subtype composed of small keratinocytes and dendritic melanocytes
SKs have characteristic loose lamellar shreded-wheat stratum corneum
excepsions include irritated inflamed which often have compact brightly eosinpohilic parakeratotic stratum corneum
melanoacanthomas produce deeply eosionphilic compact parakeratotic stratum corneum, even when not irritated or inflamed
can express BCL-2, marker associated with resistance to programmed cell death (apoptosis)
can also get activating point mutations in gene encoding fibroblast growth factor receptor 3, a tyrosine kinase receptor
horn cysts vs pseudohorn cysts
horn cysts completely encased within acanthoma
pseudohorn cysts open to surface
squamous eddies
whorl-like pattern of squamoid cells often found in SK and SCC
Dowling-Degos disease/reticulated pigmented anomaly of the flexures
in ddx of reticulated SK
resembles multiple foci of reticulated SK hanging off of hair follicles with comedo-like dilated keratin-filled follicular infundibula

Hidroacanthoma simplex
clonal islands of small keratinocytes similar in appearance to those of clonal seborrheic keratosis
ducts are present focally within the clonal islands
Eccrine poroma - either intraepidermal (“hidroacanthoma simplex”), intradermal (“dermal duct tumor”) or mixed (most common)

dowling degos

hidroacanthoma simplex/poroma if dermal component present too
acanthoma composed of both small keratinocytes and pigmented dendritic melanocytes
most pigment is within dendrites
overlying statum corneum is almost always compact eosinophilic and parakeratotic
type of seborrheic keratosis
oral melanoacanthomas are reactive proliferations unrelated to seborrheic keratoses
Clear cell acanthoma
discrete acanthoma with overlying parakeratosis
distinct trasnition between the normal epidermis and clear/pale cells in stratum spinosum
peppered with neutrophils
cells are deficient in phosphorylase, resulting in an accumulation of glycogen
large cell acanthoma
discrete acanthoma composed of cells with large nuclei, typically twice the size of nuclei in the surrounding epidermis
overlying lamellar hyperkreatosis is common
can be pigmented