Elizabethan Exploration Flashcards
The reasons of Drake’s circumnavigation of the globe 1577-80
Drake probably didn’t intend to do it when he set off:
The main purpose was to raid Spanish colonies and to look for opportunities for English colonisation and trade.
Additonally, he sought for revenge after the Spanish had attacked Drake’s fleet at St Juan de Ulúa
Significance of Drakes circumnavigation
it almost ended in disaster with 4 ships lost but Drake and 56 surviving men returned in 1580 (Golden Hind returned)
Nova Albion claimed as English territory. This encouraged further trade amd exploration where colonies were established in New England.
They had made huge amounts of money (£500m in today’s money)
Drake became rich and famous, great boost to English morale
English ships began to trade elsewhere: China,West Africa and India
English reputation enhanced
gathered information about the Americas
positive meeting with Native American population
severely damaged relationship with Spain- through their ruling over North America after the Pope’s offerring of North America to the Spanish. Additionally, Drake was knighted by Elizabeth
The significance of Raleigh and the attempted colonisation of Virginia (1st expedition)
Walter Raleigh investigated and organised the colonisation of Virginia. Firstly he sent a fact finding expedition to Virginia made initial contact with the Native American tribes. Two Native American Indians (Manteo and Wanchese) were brought back to England and Thomas Harriot learnt their language, taught them English and made an English-Algonquian ‘dictionary’. Raleigh persuaded men to leave England and make the voyage. He also raised funds by convincing merchants to invest (he also invested a lot of his own money)
Raleigh realised that there was a lot to consider before the voyage could set off: such as
Who should go? 300 with a variety of skills (e.g. hunters, carpenters)
- Supplies? Enough food and water for the journey
- Timing? It was vital to get there in enough time to sow crops
- Ships? Needed to be big enough and well-armed in case of attack (e.g. from Spain)
Why did the colonisation of Roanoke 1587-90 fail
Second attempt at colony began in 1587
Manteo was made Lord Roanoke and John White in overall charge
They experienced many problems, including significant hostility from Native tribes (e.g. John White’s adviser, George Howe, was found dead with 16 arrow wounds)
John White returned to England to update Raleigh and when he returned in 1590 he found the colony deserted
The only clue as to what happened to the settlers was the word Croatoan carved into a post
Factors prompting exploration, including the impact of new technology on ships and sailing and the drive to expand trade.
Economics - Wars with Spain and Netherlands had disrupted wool and cloth trade – English needed new markets. New World was full of riches; exotic crops, silver. Trans-Atlantic slave trade. The search for the North-West Passage to the Far East.
New technology: Quadrant/Astrolabe – new navigation Maps/printing – Mercator map more accurate and printing meant they were used by more people Ship design – Galleons were quicker, more manoeuvrable, more cargo space, more fire power
Politics - Rivalry with Spain for naval dominance. Drake as a privateer targeting Spanish Ships. Massive rewards e.g. Americas full of riches; exotic crops, silver..Financial rewards result in increased power and control
Reasons for exploration during the Elizabethan age
Expanding trade:
Wars with Spain and Netherlands had disrupted wool and cloth trade.
English needed new markets. New World was full of riches; exotic crops, silver.
Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
The search for the North-West Passage to the Far East.
Private investment:
Elizabeth I and her courtiers, funded many voayges
Although risky the income earned was enormous
New technology:
Quadrant/Astrolabe nautical devices created ensured saftey during voyages and made it much quicker
Sir Francis Drake undertook voyages of discovery and exploration
Published accounts of the exploration persuaded others to venture in the unknown for a fortune to be made.
Improvements in ship design:
Ship design – Galleons were quicker, more manoeuvrable, more cargo space (better equipped for jouneys and can shorten time)
more fire power (fight off any attackers).
As a result they are more able to take on longer journey for voyages and exploration.
Development of maps:
new navigation Maps/printing – Mercator map more accurate and printing meant they were used by more people (reduced risk and encouraged voyages and trade)
What was the triangular trade
John Hawkins discovered that iron good and guns could be solid in West Africa to buy slaves which then can be sold in the NewWorld for rum,spices and tobacco for Europe.
As a result many merchants followed this lucrative trade route
Who was Sir Walter Raleigh
Noblemen and a courtier, an explorer during Elizabeth’s reign.
In 1584, he was given permission to explore and settle lands in NA
Raleigh needed to raise huge amounts of money and encourage people to settle
He did not lead the colonists. However, he raised funds for the project and persuaded poeple to settle in Virginia.
Why was Virginia colonised
Trade: explorers and colonists would be able to trade with each other which can be used to sell fir profits and create new products.
England wanted to try and become less dependent on Spain, France and Italy (opposition) by creating their own products.
Friendly natives which travelled to England encouraged people to invest in the expedition or travel.
Raleigh encouraged profits made to investors: nobility and gentry were able to fund the project due to the possibility of new trade routes and materials.
Base to attack the Spanish:
Considerable loot from plundering and established key areas for trading
Easy to fund other ventures:
A habitable area within a different area can allow the English to temporaly stay there within advnetures
Who went to Virginia
Raleigh did not lead the expedition.
107 colonists attended in 1585 led by Richard Grenville (most made up of sailors and soldiers although some craftsmen,merchants,famers and landowners)
What did the colonist take along with them to Virginia
Food, and salt for preserving it- for voyage and within the Island
Fresh water-during the voyage
Tools and equipment- ploughs to farm and building infratstructure.
Weapons to defend against attackers.
Why had the colonisation of Virginia fail
Lack of skill:
300 with a variety of skills (e.g. hunters, carpenters) although it was not enough
As a result merchant and landowners lacked physical capacity for labour.Lack do stonemasons meant that a fort was never built (vulnerable to attack).Soldiers were able to defend although could not farm well.
Lack of foods:
Not enough food and water for the journey
First colonist left too late to reach Virginia in time to plant crops.
One ship had seawater inside the hull which ruined the food it was carrying.
As a result the those in first expedition left in 1585. The second lost colony may also have struggled to feed itself (dependent on local Indian tribes)
- Timing:
It was vital to get there in enough time to sow crops
From 1585 England was in a war with Spain
As a result the first colony abandoned Virginian in 1586 and the invasion of the Spanish resukted in few ships to visit and resuplly the colony leading to them to be isolated and vulnerable to attack.
- Ships:
Needed to be big enough and well-armed in case of attack (e.g. from Spain)
Poor leaderhsip:
Richstd Grenville hot headed and did not get on well with Ralph Lane (governor of colony)
John White had abandoned the colony in 1587
As a result poor leadership meant that those involved had little purpose. First colony abandoned in 1586 whereas the second was found abandoned in 1590.
Native American attack:
1586 angered by the diseases they had brought, Algonquian Chief Winginia led an attack.
Other India tribes, suspicious of the English and angry from the constant demand also attacked between 1585-1586
As a result Winginia’s attack led to a crisis forcing the colony to abandon Roanoke.
The second colony may have been wipe by Chief Powhatan. Additionally, the settlers may have become slaves or assimilated into a tribe
Why had Walter recieved permission to explore and colonise Virginia
By the Early 1580 England had claimed some territory in NA but hadn’t managed to establish a succesful colony
The English also claimed Newfoundland in E Canada. 1583 , Sir Humprhey Gilbert set out to colonise it slthough failed.
After Gilbert’s failure Elizabeth allowed Walter to explore and colonise unclaimed territories. This was done to be used for challenging Spain’s dominance (attacking Spanish ships) and used for trade routes for new materials.
The significance of Raleigh and the attempted colonisation of Virginia (2nd expedition)
The next year, Raleigh sent 5 ships to Virginia led by Sir Richard Grenville. 107 settlers attempted to establish a colony whereas Grenville went back for supplies.
When Francis Drake visited Roanoke in 1586, Grenville had not returned. Most returned back home with Drake. However, some stayed.
The significance of Raleigh and the attempted colonisation of Virginia (3rd expedition)
Island found deserted (chance of murder from local people).
100 settlers began to build a colony. They expected supplies in 1588 although it was delayed by the Spanish Armada.
When supply ships arrived in 1590 all settlers diappeared became knows as the ‘Lost colony’