Elizabethan England key dates Flashcards
When does Elizabeth become Queen?
When did Earl of Essex become a Privy Council member?
When did Earl of Essex rebel?
February 1601
When was the Earl of Essex executed
25 February 1601
When was England hit by bad harvests?
Between 1594 and 1598
When was the bad outbreak of the flu causing workers involved in food to be killed?
When was ‘The Theatre’ opened and by who?
1576 by James Burbage
When was the book about the scams and tricks used by beggars (beggars being criminals) published and by who?
1567 and by Thomas Harman
When was the act for setting the poor on work and what did it do?
1576 Act - placed responsibility for finding work for the poor in the hands of the local authorities
When was the first ever Poor Law introduced?
What did the 1601 poor law state?
The wealthy would be taxed to pay for the care and support of the vulnerable (old and sick)
Fit and healthy paupers were to be given work.
Those who refused to work could be whipped or placed into a House of Corrections
What did the 1531 laws state about the poor?
Beggars were publicly whipped
Caught a second time would have a hole burned in their ear
Caught a third time would be hanged
Between what years did Francis Drake circumnavigate the globe?
When was Francis Drake knighted?
When was Sir Walter Raleigh given permission to explore the Americas?
What was North America named after Drake discovered it?
New Albion
When did John Hawkins kidnap several hundred West Africans?
When was the East India company set up?
When did the Pope issue the papal bull?
27 April 1570
When was the Northern Rebellion
When was the Ridolfi plot?
When was the Throckmorton plot
When was the Babington plot?
When was the law that made it treason to attend a Catholic mass passed or convert to Catholicism?
When was the second act that stated that any Catholic Priest that had been ordained after 1559 was considered a traitor?
When was the ‘statue of confinement’ which forbade Catholics from travelling further than 5 miles from their house passed?
When did William Allen establish a seminary at Douai to train priests?
When did the first priests arrive in England as missionaries?
When were the recusany fines raised to £20
When was the Act agasint Jesuits and Seminary Priests that called for all of them to be driven out of England, with many executed?
When did the Jesuits begin their mission in England and who lead it?
Robert Parsons and Edmund Campion
When was Edmund Campion arrested?
14 July 1581
When was Edmund Campion found guilty for treason and then hung?
20 November 1581
What was the counter-reformation?
Attempt by Catholic Church to bring Protestants back to Catholicism
By which year had most Puritans accepted Elizabeth’s changes and reluctantly conformed and accepted to wear the surplice?
In what decade did meetings known as prophesyings become popular?
In what year was a new separatist church established in Norwich by Robert Browne?
When was the second separatist church set up in London by Henry Barrow and John Greenwood?
When did the new Archbishop of Canterbury, John Whitgift introduce rules to crack down on Puritanism?
What were the rules introduced against Puritans?
Banned unlicensed preaching
Enforced attendance at church by imposing recusancy fines
New High Commission given the power to fine and imprison Puritans who didn’t conform
Punishment of printers for spreading Puritan message
Which puritan printer was punished for criticising marriage talks with a Catholic French prince?
John Stubbs, right hand chopped off
When was John Field, a prominent and strict Puritan banned from preaching?
What were strict Puritans called?
When was Thomas Cartwright, puritan imprisoned?
When did Mary’s husband, the French King die?
When was Mary’s son, James crowned the King of Scotland?
How many years was Mary Elizabeth’s prisoner?
19 years
When was Mary put on trial before a court of 36 noblemen?
October 1586
When was Mary Queen of Scots executed?
8 February 1586
When did Drake lead a raid on the port of Cadiz?
When was there a Protestant uprising in the Spanish Netherlands?
When did Elizabeth allow 7000 English troops to support fellow protestants in the Spanish Netherlands, a clear act of war against Spain?
December 1585
In what year did the Spanish Armada take place?
Of 151 Spanish ships, how many returned to Spain?
Only 65