Elevator Speech Flashcards


Basic Question Lead:
 Ask a question that the majority will think yes to.
 Ask questions that direct the thought process, until they realize you are not talking TO them but ABOUT them.
 Then offer help. Offer free review


Have you ever double-checked on the Internet the reviews for a business, a restaurant, plumber, and dentist before you went there?
When you see bad reviews, you look further; you look for the next one, with better reviews, right? Nobody wants to do business with someone with a bad reputation, right?
Now did you know that over 77% of people do the same, these 77% are your potential customers.
Everyone, or just about checks and double checks before spending money. Have you checked your own reputation online?
Do you have bad reviews?
Do you have only a few reviews?
If your competitors have more reviews or better reviews, guess who gets the majority of the phone calls?
What is the value of your average customer? Lifetime value? Or average spending on a project?
How many of these have you lost because of a damaged reputation?
This is what I do, I help my clients to protect and leverage their most important asset, their reputation.
For anyone here, I can show you how to double-check how you can capture more new customers, simply by improving your online reputation.

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Story Telling:
 Start with a non-sense “true story” to grab attention.
 Reassure and confirm that the audience’s gut feeling was right, it was NOT true.
 Describe what you do.
 Offer casually to help.


The other day with my wife we looked for a restaurant to spend a nice evening, a long time over due date, and to make sure we had a great time, we looked into Google for the restaurants with the worst reviews, and went there, just to see if those reviews were exaggerating.
Would you believe such a story? You’d assume I’m kidding or stupid.
Well, I’m not stupid, and I am kidding. The fact is, we all check for the reputation of a product or company before we spend money.
My clients hire me to protect their online reputation from malicious competitors, disgruntled employees or unreasonable customers.
If you are not actively involved in reputation management, or not sure what it is and how it works, I’d love to talk with you.

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Straight Shooter:
 Punch with controversial headline
 Throw common sense statements
 Close by walk out offer


Did you know that being on the first page of Google can be the worst thing that can happen to your business?
Think about it.
You are on Google’s first page, you get all that extra exposure to new traffic and potential customers, but you don’t have many reviews to show for, or even worse, you have bad review.
Well, when you shop, don’t you look for the best quality for least amount of money? So does your customer base.
Your weak reputation is an invitation to shop further and look up your competitors.
Now the whole town sees your weak reputation, and the competitor with better reviews, more reviews, is benefiting from it, getting the calls.
Some keep their heads in the sand and hope the yellow pages will make a come back, all my clients, understood that reputation management is the most important part of modern marketing.
Got questions, just let me help you.

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Geek Attack:
 Ask a multiple choice question.
 Then throw painful stats
 Then explain benefits
 Offer to chat more.

Out of a 100 folks, how many do you think go on the internet and check reviews before buying anything, from a movie ticket to a car?
Who says 20%
Who think it’s 50%
Come on who thinks its 70%?
It ranges from 72 to 85% 85% of people check online reputation, even if they were referred by a friend. But less than 1% of tenants leave reviews… and the most eager consumers to leave reviews leave bad reviews…
What all these stats mean? If you have one bad review showing up in Google you can lose 85% of prospects, because no one wants to do business after reading a bad review.
We work with clients to protect and increase their online reputation to make sure that once a prospect sees your 5 star reputation, they look no further, they call you.

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Dead Seriously Funny.
 Ridiculous intro that prompts a “whatever dude” mental answer.
 Get serious with facts
 Close with a joke and offer


Hi, My name is Jerome, I am a professional body guard. –dead serious look- silence 2-3 seconds-
Most people think I’m kidding, but that’s how my clients call me. I don’t protect they bodies, but their businesses.
From who? People you know. All business owners know and fear.
Disgruntled employees.
Malicious competitors
Frantic customers etc
When these guys start attacking your online, by posting negative reviews, posting reports, you need to react FAST, as a handful of negative reviews, in this digital age, have sunk businesses that were passed down from several generations.
Would you do business with a company that has bad reviews?
Would you choose to do business with the company that has the most positive reviews?
Keeping the head in the sand, never saved any ostrich’s butt from the lion’s bite, I’d love to share more with you on reputation management.

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